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Virat knew what he did is wrong in the eyes of Ro. But he had to do that. He cant just stay without doing anything. Vi knew he cannot always stay by Rohit's side. That’s the reason.

It is the first day of their vacation. But all the players were set to leave next day. They had a special meeting with Mahi bhai before leaving. Mahi bhai was only there to help for a limited period. He had to give instructions for the team.

After others left to their rooms Vi approached Ro who seemed like in a problem.

"Ro what’s wrong "

"Oh Vi. I’m just thinking a solution to a problem Rah asked me"

"Tell me. May be I can help "

"Ok listen, If I hit myself and got hurt, Am I strong or weak "

"What " this has to be one of Rah's stupid questions

Vi was done with replying to then. Now he has caught Ro.

"There is no answer. Don’t hang with Rah too much. It can corrupt your mind. You know he is one of the curious creatures "

"Hey don’t call him like that "

"Of cause sometimes you act like him "

"Ok lets change the question. Out of you and me who is the strongest "

"Me of cause " Vi replied like it was the most obvious answer

Ro started to laugh.

"Seriously….. huh haaa…… you think "

"You idiot stop laughing " Vi started to punch him

"Hey hey what’s going on " Ajju separated them

Ro side hugged Ajju.

"Ajju bhai tell Vi to come out of delusion " Ro told him

"Don’t get caught into his emotional manipulations Jinks. Tell him I’m stronger than him "

"Emotional manipulations. Really. I think Ro is stronger " Jinks winked at Ro

Ro hugged him tight.

"See my Ajju bhai will take my aide only "

"Jinks "

"Come here " Jinks pulled Vi towards their hug.

Yes they are little kids to his eyes. When time passes Vi had to act mature even in front of seniors. But he never changed for Jinks. His elder brother.

Ro went out again in that night. However he came back around nine. Vi didn’t ask anything. There is a limit fir him to enter into Ro's life.

Vi woke up around eleven. He saw Ro was tossing around. He was awake.



"Why aren’t you sleeping "

"Cant sleep. Tried hard "

Vi got up from the bed and approached Ro. He kept his hand on Ro's head. Suddenly Ro hugged Vi's waist. Vi's heart skipped a beat.

"Anything in your mind "

"No bhai. Just cannot sleep "

"That’s why I tell you not to drink coffee often. Now try to sleep "

"Vi, can you stay here "

"I will "

Ro moved to a side. Vi laid beside him. Ro hugged his waist again keeping his head in the crock of Vi's neck. All these things are new to Vi. The feelings. He kept caressing Ro's back untill he felt Ro's breath become steady. His breat was tickling Vi's neck. He was asleep.

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