Chapter 1

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"It's like we never left." I hear mom say as I carry
boxes upstairs. I grew up in this house, but moved away a few years ago to Portugal, because mom's company had business there and felt she'd be the best person for it. After 9 years we decided to come back home and since we never sold the house - mom knew we'd come back - I'm officially stuck in the town among people I tried so hard to escape from. Especially my next door neighbors the twins also know as the Reed brothers. Ethan and Hunter Reed. We were best friends growing up that is until I moved away. If I'm being honest Ethan was my favorite brother he was always so kind, caring, calm, basically everything Hunter was not. Hunter was always getting into trouble for the stupidest of things. Once when we were five he put gum in my hair and my mom had to cut it into a bob just to get it out it took me a whole year to grow my hair back to what it was safe to say I wasn't happy. "You exited to see the boys?" Mom asks as she brings the last of my stuff up to my room. "I'm just bursting with joy." I roll my eyes. "Oh come on you guys were so close when you were little."
"Exactly. When we were little the boys are what 18 I can only imagine what their idea of fun is now."
"Well you never know you guys could still have alot in common." I know what she's doing she's worried I'll spend the rest of my high school year in my room reading honestly she's not wrong. "I hardly believe Hunter would call reading a book fun Ethan maybe." I glance out my window at the house next door it's still exactly as I remember I smile at the amount of hours we'd spend playing outside. "Good point. Well I'm going to carry on unpacking downstairs." I nod.


I finish unpacking and decided to take a walk to see how much the small town of Maple Ridge has changed. The town I called home eight years of my life short time really, but enough to still call it home. On my walk I come across my favorite diner of all time The Sunrise Cafe ironic really it's called Cafe when it's a diner. I laugh cause after all this time it's still funny. I start to walk toward it when I spot not one but both brothers sitting in a booth chatting with a guy I can't see since his back is facing me. When suddenly whiskey eyes meet mine. Shoot Ethan's seen me, but before he can even get up I'm already speed walking back home. I know I have to face them at some point, but I'd like to avoid that point as long as humanly possible.


St Claire's high school never thought I'd end up here. Thought I'd get to finish high school in Europe, but apparently not might as well make the best of it. All I have to do is get through this year and then I'm home free. I can study cosmetology hop on a bunch of cruise ships and travel for two years move back to Portugal and open my own beauty salon simple enough. All I have to do is avoid the Reed Broth- "I'm so sor..." my words die in the air when I realize who I bumped into. He's tall, dark hair, bluest of blue eyes - one of the few things I actually like about him - tattoos though those weren't there before. "If you wanted to get a close up you could've just asked." I quickly push him away from me. "You wish." I roll my eyes. "You got fiestier I see." He's so lucky we're on school grounds or I'd drop kick his ass. "You became a bigger ass I see." Hunter lifts a hand to his chest while the other in his pocket. "You wound me." Not yet I haven't before I can voice my thoughts Ethan and the guy I saw with them at the diner last night approach us. Ethan looks exactly how I remember him whiskey eyes, dark hair, glasses only grown up and that gorgeous smile holy cheese sticks. "Hey Aria long time no see. When did you get back?" Ethan asks me as he moves to stand next to Hunter. "Yesterday actually" he looks me up and down before asking. "Was that you I saw last night by the diner?" Cheese sticks. Well no use denying it now. "It's possible. I did go for a walk shortly after arriving." I turn to look at the guy standing next to Ethan. He's tall - not as tall as the boys - blonde hair blue eyes I instantly realized who he is. "Matt holy cheese sticks it is you." The three of them look at me and laugh. "The one and only."
"You still say whatever ridiculous thing that come to mind." I'm starting to rethink the whole school grounds and violence thing. "As a matter of fact I do. That a problem? Well to damn bad." As I turn my head back to Matt I catch Hunter smirk out the corner of my eye." It's good to see you Ari." Matt says, but before I can say anything the warning bell rings. "Well it was good seeing you guys and catching up. See you around." I turn to Hunter "Except you." I don't give him a chance to respond as I quite literally bolt out of there.


Why is it so damn hard to find a classroom like seriously this isn't a movie. Oh great. "Damn Carson only been back two days and you're already obsessed with me." So much for not being a movie. "Don't flatter yourself." I start walking past Hunter "Don't need to that's what I have you for." I turn around so I can really give him a piece of my mind when a beautiful girl with long dark hair and grey eyes now stands next to him. "Seriously what is wrong with you leave the damn girl alone." She hits him behind the head he's taller than her by at least three feet, but that doesn't stop her. "Sorry about him he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." Hunter just rolls his eyes at the comment "Oh believe me I know." Hunter looks at me with what I'm guessing is supposed to be hurt in his eyes. "Don't look at me like that you can be." I turn back to the girl she looks at Hunter and back at me. "I'm so sorry I just realized I completely forgot to ask your name." I look at her and smile. "That's Okay it's Aria." She looks me up and down and smiles. "Carson?"
"Yes... Why?" She laughs a small laugh I'm guessing she figured out some kind of puzzle. "No freaking way." She looks to Hunter he gives her a look I can't quite figure out. "I've heard so much about you from the boys" she elbows Hunter in the side. "Especially this one." I look to Hunter who looks like he's just been caught in some sort of crime. "Is that right?" I laugh. "I'm sorry I didn't get your name." Grey eyes looks at me and smiles. "I'm Scarlett. Scarlett Grey, but you can call me Scar and I have feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other." I look at her puzzled before I can ask her what she means by that a tall guy with dark brown hair walks right into me. "Excuse you"
"Are you you going to apologize?" I'm shocked when I realize who said it. "For?" brown hair looks like he couldn't care less. "You know what for don't make me ask again." Hunter looks at brown hair with hatred in his eyes. "It's Okay." I say trying so hard not to cause a scene brown hair looks at me and smiles the kind that gives away exactly what he's thinking. "No Aria it's not." Hunter says and I realized his hands are now in fists. So much for avoiding a scene. Before I can stop him he grabs brown hair by the collar and pushes him against a locker and whispers something to him. I try to hear what's being said, but he let's him go before I even get the chance. Brown hair turns to look at me. "I'm sorry I bumped into you it won't happen again." Brown hair says and practically runs off. I turn to Hunter to ask what that was. "The classroom you're looking for is there." He points down the hall to the last door on the left before I can thank him he turns and walks away all I can do is stand there stunned by what just happened. "English?" Scarlett asks me I just nod. "I'm headed that way too we can go together." She says and starts walking towards the classroom. "Thanks"


I sat through the whole of English and barely paid attention. I just couldn't wrap my head around what happened in the hall. By the end of my last class I still hadn't put the pieces together. It's weird why would Hunter act like that? I mean I know I haven't been around him for years but still it's unlike him to act that way especially over me maybe if I ask Scarlett she might know something. "Hey Scar" I say as we start walking out of class. Turns out we have almost all the same classes together. "What's up?" she looks at me and judging by her face she knows what I'm about to ask. "I don't suppose you know what was up with Hunter earlier?" she looks like she's trying to come up with something. "Honestly I don't all I know is he's had issues with Brett for as long as I can remember. I think it started when Brett made a move on Lacey Hunter's girlfriend." I stop walking and look at Scarlett. "That was after Lacey flirted with him first." my eyes widen. "Don't look so shocked that's just the kind of person Lacey is." Then why stay with her? I decided not to ask since we're not very close so it's none of my business. The rest of the walk is pretty quiet from there we ended up going to The Sunrise Cafe for a quick milkshake, but ended up staying there for a few hours chatting. I told her about my time in Portugal she told me she and her parents moved to Maple Ridge almost nine years ago. We eventually decided to call it a day as soon as we realized we'd be there for about five hours. Turns out Scarlett doesn't live far from the diner. "I should be good to head back from here." She says as we come to a stop. "I'll see you tomorrow and don't be so hard on Hunter he really missed you even if he won't admit it." I nod and start walking home it doesn't take me long. When I walk through the door I head straight upstairs to my room. I haven't been home long when I hear screaming and fighting I look out the window of my bedroom and see Hunter and a girl with short red hair arguing. She starts to leave and Hunter looks up and smiles a small smile as he shrugs then he turns around and heads back inside. I feel kinda bad for him. I go to close the curtains when the red head turns back and looks up at me and glares thankfully my curtains were closed just before she could actually see me. "I'm going to bed that's a tomorrow's issue."

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