Chapter Twelve

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The ride home was a blur of anticipation and raw nerves for Alex. What would she tell her parents? What if they found out? But as the taxi pulled up to her house, she realized she didn't care anymore. She had tasted a freedom that no amount of scolding could ever take away. If tonight was the night her secret career was revealed, so be it. At least then she wouldn't have to live a double life anymore, and that would be a relief.

She hoped she'd be able to cover up the marks she'd probably have in the morning. The electric jolts from the shock collar left the skin around her neck raw and red and she had no doubt that there would be even more bruises on her legs and ass than she had already. But it was a small price to pay for the euphoria that still hummed through her veins like a symphony of sin.

Her heart was racing when she opened the door to her house. She was sure she'd be met with questions, accusations, and recriminations for almost being late. But instead, her parents were sitting in the living room, watching TV. Her mother looked up, her face breaking into a smile. "You're home!" she exclaimed. "You made it just in time!"

Her father looked over from his armchair. "Indeed," he said. "And from your disheveled state it's clear that you hurried to make your curfew. I'm pleased to see you are taking it so seriously, Alex. Therefore, as a reward, I am going to allow you one extra hour. You can now stay out until one on weekends, provided you're safe and you tell us where you're going."

Alex forced a smile. "Thanks, Dad," she murmured. "I really appreciate it." But on the inside, she was seething. He was treating her like a pet that had learned a new trick, as if her personal freedom was something to be doled out like a treat. She wanted to scream at him, tell him she didn't need his permission to live her life, that she couldn't wait to get out from under his thumb. But she knew better. For now, she still had to play the role of the obedient daughter, the goody-two-shoes good girl who never stepped out of line. But not for much longer. Alex promised herself, then and there, that she'd be out of the house the moment she graduated.

She didn't want to push her luck, though, so she bid her parents good night and hurried up to her room. She texted Lydia to let her know her booking with Charles had gone well and hid the thick envelope he'd given her under her mattress, where it would stay until she could deposit it. Then she undressed and looked at her naked body in the mirror. She had bruises scattered across her pale skin like a road map of her wild night's adventures. They were a stark reminder of the power dynamics she'd just experienced, a reminder that she'd given herself over to a man who'd used her as a plaything and enjoyed it immensely. They were a badge of honor, a symbol of the control and power she'd given Charles over her body and the pleasure she'd received in turn.

Alex made sure to take some Advil and have a hot shower before turning in, and the following morning, she slept in longer than she usually did. Normally Alex, an early rise by nature, would be up and about by seven if she didn't have to be at school. But this time, she slept in almost until ten in the morning. When she woke, she felt deliciously sore all over, the kind of ache that lingered like a sweet aftertaste of the most intense pleasure she'd ever experienced. She stretched languidly, her body protesting every movement, and then swung her legs over the side of the bed to start the day.

She spent a little time masturbating in the shower before getting dressed, and then, after lying once more to her parents and telling them she was going to the local bookstore to read, she went out to do some shopping with her hard-earned cash. Alex was more determined than ever to make sure she had a place of her own to move into the moment she was out of high school. Shawna had been absolutely right when she'd given that advice, and now, she finally had some free time to go apartment-hunting, maybe treat herself to a nice lunch, then go to the mall to buy herself something nice. Lydia hadn't texted her about any more bookings yet, so right now, her time was her own. She'd check in at the office of Cherry Blossom Escorts a little bit later if she didn't hear from Lydia, of course, but there was no rush.

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