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Chapter 2: MINJI

Father has decided to host a ball and invite the four kingdoms to our castle. I despise events that force me to dress up and put on a fake smile.

I have no ounce of interest in such things but as the only child of the King and heir to the throne, I must. I would rather be out back with Shadow, my friesian horse. Yet I have no choice.

So here I sit in my bedroom, countless maids running in and out making sure everything is done to perfection. With the best dressmaker sewing the last pieces of fabric onto my blood red dress that stood tall in the corner.

During my two decades on this Earth I've learned to live with such nuisances. Not that I have ever had a  say, but I take pride in my name and am grateful for our riches. Yet I can't help but feel that this ball isn't just a party to celebrate the kingdoms.

Each of the five kingdoms has their own respective lands and people. It isn't uncommon for the Kings and Queens to meet for dinner. The princes and princesses usually do their own things. I haven't seen the children come along when my father invites them over. So when I was informed that we would be having a ball out of nowhere I was baffled. This isn't your average ball either, not when my father is hosting it. Royals and the higher ups from every kingdom have been invited.

This could very well be an event where I leave with a boy on my arm. Not that I would appreciate that. If it were completely up to me I would choose to never marry. I am not fond of "love" and tales of it told by the town's people. Marriage has always been for the sake of the kingdom, for money, for land, we see marriage as a way of uniting families. There is no such thing as "falling in love". It's something the commoners who have nothing better to do with their lives made up.

My ancestors took this poor piece of land and have formed it into the esteemed society it is today. The people have gone mad, forsaking authentic emotions for shallow facades. They have become delusional chasing after false promises both foolish men and women have made.

As the finishing touches on my hair were done I ordered a lady to grab me a glass of liquor as I put on my dress. Once everything was fitted I was brought in front of a mirror to see myself. I can't lie, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever worn. Father must want me to attract a husband or show off our wealth. I need to mentally prepare myself for what's to come. I would love to run away and escape this stupid ball but his men wouldn't dare let me out of their sight.

Just as I was served my glass of liquor a voice called for me. "Young Lady Kim! The Queen would like to have a word with you." I took a deep breath, my drink will have to wait. I got up and thanked my helpers. She will want to see how I look before I'm shown to the public. Though I believe I look fine she may think otherwise. Mother has always been big on our image. There mustn't be even a single hair out of place.

I passed the grand staircase and got a view of our ground floor. Everything was decorated and new banners had gone up. As expected of course, the Kims are known for going above and beyond when we host.

"Minji." My mother called once she heard me enter the room. She glanced at me through the mirror in her hands. "My, it's as if I'm looking at my younger self".

It is true. I look almost exactly like how she did when she was my age. Back when she was still carefree and overflowing with joy. Mother has aged a deal since the tragedy occurred, we all have. The once all black hair is now painted with streaks of grey and white. Everything changed about four years ago when Wonbin passed. He was only 18 and a noble soldier. But his enemies got the best of him and he died in battle.

Mother has since then become a different person. Though I don't entirely blame her, his death shook our entire kingdom. I remember it vividly, I was out back practicing archery when a servant called for me. He said nothing more but urged me to follow. I ran with him dropping my bow somewhere in the field I was in.

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