Chapter 1

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King Cyrus

1 Hour Earlier

"Are you certain this will work?" Arden's eyes slid across to me, eyeing me warily, "You know if this goes wrong..."

"Relax, it will be fine. Stop stressing so much" I dismissed him, "We have three kingdoms worth of an army, and we have the element of surprise. Unless my spy has sold us out, no one will be expecting us."

"You're certain that she hasn't?"

"Even if she has, what of it?" I shrugged, "We will win either way. Have a little confidence in your old pal, Arden. When have I ever failed you?"

"I can think of a few times" he muttered under his breath. Choosing to ignore him, I gazed around the gathered people. There were perhaps only twenty of us, the rest of the army had been hidden in the safety of the forest. They knew when to attack, after we had slipped inside and infiltrated the party. Of them there were thousands.

Unlike Arden, my clothes hid no armour beneath it. I no longer had a use for it, it did not matter if I was injured. I could simply heal in an instant; armour was a burden to me now. I had the luxury of immortality.

"How are we going to get inside? Won't there be a list of who has been invited?" Arden's voice whispered in my ear, close as we concealed ourselves in the bushes.

"My traitor has added our names to the list under false identities. We will have no problem getting inside" I smiled, "If someone at the door questions us, I'm a wealthy noble and you're my servant."

"Why do I have to be the servant?" Arden groaned, rolling his singular eye, "That's so boring."

"Lighten up, it's just pretend" I elbowed him with a grin, "You always got to play king in our games as kids, it's my turn now. Besides, we will both be king soon enough. You are about to double the size of your kingdom after all."

"True" He mused, "And I can finally get my revenge on that bitch."

I stared at him, watching his eye glitter in the darkness. I gazed at him almost mournfully, mourning the person I had once known. Ever since his face had been mutilated, he hadn't quite been the same. It seemed he was... losing it. More than once now I'd seen him lose himself in a spiteful frenzy, screaming how he was going to murder Bellatrix for what she did to him. He had gone mad, but I sensed this was just the beginning.

Oh, dear friend, I'd thought you were better than that, I thought with mild disgust, If I didn't consider you my brother, I would have killed you myself for what you did to her. I may be prepared to rip apart the kingdoms but that is a low I have never considered for myself. My heart does not bleed as black as yours does, brother.

"Just don't forget why we're really here" I touched his shoulder none too lightly, speaking firmly to him, "Our objective is to kill King Aspen and the other rulers and take over Luris. That is our main goal, it takes priority over all others."

"Why of course" he avoided my gaze, seeming to disappear inside his own head. I stood up, resting my hand on the hilt of my sword. Tonight, I could not afford to be merciful or kind, yet I will not be afraid to make them wish I were. I will bloody my knuckles and scuff my elbows if that is what it takes to make a kingdom fall. Bloodlust raged inside me, and I swore to destroy these false heavens.

Conquer or die.

"Come, let us begin" I nudged Arden, "It is time."

Wordlessly he nodded, following me into the shadows. Behind us soundless shapes pursued, a silent understanding of the plan unanimous between us. Somewhere inside us we found the will to steel our nerves and thicken our blood, knowing the deed we will commit.

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