In Front of Closed Doors

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Footsteps were rare, and difficult to hear from beneath the water's surface. The Watcher, ever hungry, ever vigilant, lived for the sound of footsteps. Hardly anyone passed through anymore, save for orcs, goblins, or the occasional lost forest creature. But today was different; the Watcher heard footsteps, he was sure of it. Nine pairs, to be exact.

The Watcher was loathe to both letting strangers enter, and to wasting precious energy to attack. No, he would wait until this group gave up on figuring out the password and sulked away in defeat to whatever part of this world they came from. Wherever they were going, they'd have to find another way.

Still, the Watcher was not naive. He would send his best Singer to watch the group, just in case. He called for Idalia and sent her to the surface. Idalia, not having had any men to lure in some twenty five years, was excited at the prospect of singing once again.

She swam to the surface and peered over the water's edge, still out of sight from the company. She counted nine as well, five having a much shorter stature than the other four. She recognized a dwarf and was surprised, having thought they all succumbed to the evil they dug up.

She didn't, however, recognize the species of the other four, short men. They were of similar height to the dwarf, but lacked beards and wore no shoes upon their large, hairy feet. She then gazed upon the rest of the company, two men, one wizard, and one elf. Though she had never seen a wizard herself before, he was unmistakable.

Elves and men used to be a somewhat common occurrence since the birth of the lake in which she lived, so they were rather easy to identify. She wondered who might be the easiest to lure into the depths, and if his companions would follow to save him.

Turning to her left, she found an old rock that would be easy to perch herself on, and was conveniently situated under a beam of moonlight. Silently, she climbed up the rock and pretended to be busy with her hair, waiting for any of the members to notice her.

It did not take long. She didn't bother to look and find out which noticed her first, but she listened intently as they began to speak.

"Gandalf, look! On that boulder over there! Is that a woman?"

There was a pause.

"Pay that creature no mind, Pippin. Any such woman who would dwell here is not a friend to us."

Idalia had a feeling that this Gandalf who spoke knew of the Singers, but was reluctant to tell the curious "Pippin" the truth. She turned her head to glance at the group, dark eyes making contact with several members.

"She is beautiful..."

"What have I told you! Pay her no mind! Perhaps you should turn your thoughts to discovering this password so that we may continue our journey."

Journey. Idalia's ears perked up. She had long wished for the ability to travel, to leave the lake and explore the vast lands of this world. She had previously thought these men were entering the mines to search for any remaining treasure, but to learn that they were on a journey was far more interesting.

She watched the wizard sit on a rock, frustrated. She knew they were struggling to open the door; it almost made her laugh. The password was so simple and yet they could not figure it out between the nine of them. She had an idea.

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