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Travis's POV

"Travis?" As soon as I heard my name come out of her lips, I knew it was really her.

"Kitten?" I breathed, taking in the sight of her. I hadn't seen her in almost two years, but it had felt like forever. Her hair had lost the wild curls from college, now cascading long and straight down her back. She was wearing a stunning short black dress, barely covering anything, and high black heels. She wasn't the girl I had known a few years ago. She looked so much older, more mature. Her eyes hadn't changed one bit though. They were still the same, electric blue, gazing into mine.

"Oh my god why-" She breathed. I cut her off. "We'll sit down and talk kitten. Do you still want your drink?" I murmured. She nodded, her eyes still wide. I took her hand and led her over to my table. I had come here just for a drink, by myself, so I had plenty of time and space. S he dropped my hand, and I frowned, shooting her a look. "I'm not your girlfriend anymore, Travis." She mumbled, her cheeks red. "Why are you so mad at me? We just fucking reunited after two years and you're acting cold." I tilted my head, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind. She sighed exasperatedly. "You've got a girlfriend Trav. I saw your Instagram post. You're happy with her, I get it." She burst out. I frowned. "Tay, we promised we would stay friends when we split. I don't know why you're angry about this. You've got a boyfriend." I pushed. She closed her eyes, pressing her hands to her temples. "So. Why are you here?" She promptly changed the subject. I sighed. "It's a long story." I looked Taylor straight in the eye. "So, tell me then." Taylor said, not breaking my glance.

I sighed and began. "So, when we broke up, I moved to Kansas City, as you probably know. I met another girl, and I'm still with her. Her name is Kayla Nicole, and we met at my new job in the city. We've been together for almost one and a half years, and we've been happy together. But yesterday I came home at night to find her in bed with another man. So, I left and drove here. I got here around one this morning and rented an apartment room. And I'm at this restaurant because I need a drink to clear my head." I buried my head in my hands. "I don't think she knows that I know. She's probably been doing it for so long now. I've just been stupid enough to miss all the clues."

Taylor blinked. "Wow. That's like a lot to take in. Are you okay? Kayla sounds like a real bitch." She tentatively put her hand on my shoulder, patting it awkwardly. I shook my head. "Taylor, I loved her." I looked up to see Taylor gazing at me, sorrow in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." She whispered. I smiled. "It's fine, I promise. So, what's your story?" I asked her. She winced. "Did I say something wrong?" I said, alarmed. I didn't want to fuck this up. She shook her head tiredly.

"So, when you left New York, I was fucking grieving for like 3 months. I got fired as my job as a bartender because I wasn't coming to work. I stopped pursuing music about 2 months after you left, because I desperately wanted true love. I met my boyfriend Joe at a bar about two years ago, and we were love at first sight. I thought we would be perfect together, but last December, he started drifting away and spending less and less time with me. Now, he doesn't even like making eye contact with me. It's just...hard." She trailed off, tears springing to her eyes.

"Hey, you don't deserve to be treated like that." I placed my hand over hers. She looked up tearily, and I remembered the times in college when we were dating. We used to be the sweethearts of college, always going to dances and all that together. "I missed you Travis." She smiled softly. God, I had missed that smile. "I missed you too kitten." I breathed out. "Hey, how about a hug, as a friend, not your boyfriend." I opened my arms. She giggled and leaned into me. I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in the fresh coconut scent from her hair. I felt her relax, but suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see a young brunette woman stalk towards me, her hands on her hips.

My mouth dropped open as I realised who it was. It was Selena Gomez. She had grown up so much since I'd last seen her. She just looked so much more mature than before, she had lost her last childish features, and it made her look so different. We had taken the same college course together, and I was surprised she didn't recognise me.

"Who are you, and why is my best friend cuddled up in your lap? Also, stop staring at me like that." She demanded. Taylor sat up, whipping her head around. "Selena!" She exclaimed. Selena stuck her hand in Taylor's face. "Nope! Before you ask, 'why are you here,' you've been missing for almost 20 minutes and I want my drink, so I walk around the whole fucking restaurant to look for you and I find you here snuggling in some random man's lap." She ranted. I tried to stifle a laugh as Taylor looked at her, confused.

"Sel, this is Travis. Do you remember him? He was my boyfriend in college." Selena's eyes widened and she let out a wild laugh. "Oh my god. Travis Kelce? The guy that you were so madly in love with until he moved to like KC or something?" I chuckled at her reaction. "Shut up Sel. I wasn't madly in love with him. We were young." She said, but she couldn't hide the blush creeping up her face.

I couldn't ignore the feeling that was creeping up on me, blooming in my heart. All I wanted to do was press my lips to hers, fuck her so hard she wouldn't be able to walk. I flushed, brushing the thoughts away, smiling friendlily at Selena. "I should probably get going now." I murmured to Taylor, standing up. She grabbed my arm. "Wait. I don't know if I'll see you again. Have you got my number?" I nodded, and we exchanged heartfelt goodbyes before I walked out the door, my heart set on a certain blonde the whole drive home.

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