prologue - taylor's pov

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Note: if you're reading, please comment as much as you can, I would love to see it🩷 also I decided to change the cover and title!

"I'm just so excited to play this song for you, Travis!" I giggled

"I'm more excited to hear it babe"

You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you Than I was at 16, lost in a film scene
Waving homecoming queens marching band playing
I'm lost in the lights

I continued to play the song I wrote for me and Travis, as I kept a smile up the whole time. Strumming my guitar happily, I noticed Travis tearing up by the end of it.

"Taylor it's so good, how did I get so lucky to have you?" He gently tapped his pointer finger to my nose and I giggled.

"Awh, love, I'm so glad you like it" I leaned over and kissed him gently.

"I'm just so excited, once I start selling albums, I want to open my tour with that song!" His face fell.

"Babe....?" I asked.

"What Tay?" Travis told me.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I just don't think you'll be able to go on tour." He said emotionless.

"Why don't you believe in me, I love you so much and I thought we could be supportive of each other, yet when I talk about my dreams, you act like this."

"Taylor, I can't do this right now. Just please stop" He almost whispered. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ignored his last sentence.

Then, he grabbed a jacket and stormed to the door.

"Travis, babe, where are you going right now?"

"For a walk, I need to" he answered, annoyed.

Before I could speak again, he was gone. He didn't come back for almost an hour. I just wish he would tell me why. Why didn't he believe in me. Or was there something else? I was too afraid to ask, considering his past. But I just wanted him to believe in me.

Six months later


dialed Travis' number into my phone and jumped up and down, waiting for him to pick up. It rang 3 times before I heard his sweet voice.

"Hi baby, what's up, we're still at the arcade."

"Oh cool!"

"You sound excited" he giggled.

"Well Travis, I got an email from universal music saying the saw my social media, and they're interested in signing me!" I smiled, tears of joy falling down my cheeks.

"That's nice," Travis said, in a bit of an unsure tone.

"What? Travis? You're not happy for me?"

"Well of course I am, I just didn't know you were still going to do that."

"Why not babe?"

Travis sighed, "You never talk about it anymore, so I thought it was going to be okay," he said with hints of fear and sadness in his voice.

"Be okay? What the heck do you mean, Trav? Also I never mentioned it because you always freak out, but you know it's my dream. I just hate how you never believe in me," I said a bit angrily.

"I- I- I- um." He stuttered.

"Travis are you crying?"

He hung up.

"What the fuck." I mutterered under my breath.

I decided to take an everything shower to help me relax and clear my mind.

But now, there's no where to hide, since you pushed my love aside. I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you.

I sang along to the heartbreaking song while carefully shaving my legs. Maybe I related a little to that. Me and Travis were fine though, of course we were. Nothing would happen and he would warm up to my career.

Coming out of the shower in my pajamas, I saw Travis with two suitcases and a duffel bag about to go out the door.


"Ummm..." His tears were threatening to spill.

"No," I suddenly sobbed. "Please no"

"You got to leave before you get left"

"What?" I cried.

And he left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong. I sobbed all night in my bed, our bed, so confused. I called him so many times but he didn't pick up.

I thought he loved my songs.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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