Picking up the pen to voice out the pain in heart,

Yet pen stops,pain doesnot..

When circle of memories move,life moves..

All I do is find myself standing,facing countless fingers..

Trust is a blunder,truth is a vice..

Every moment heart aches,and coldness seeps in..

As if an old friend, waiting from countless eons..

You would never ask,who I am..

And I have forgotten who I am..

The journey of us,from me forgetting everything to me waking up,

The walk down the memory lane is a dangerous treck..

And awaits countless haunted dreams..

Waiting for the days to move,as my heart does each moment..

With words that pours in..

With heartache that continues..

Life is just a moment when pen tries to pen down the haunting pen..

Few letters to the beloved..

Nothing more,nothing less ..

The burning anguishWhere stories live. Discover now