#4 become the monster

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Tommy awakes and goes to his wardrobe and picks out an outfit. His shirt was a sage green with some music notes near the bottom that pairs well with his cute white shorts that he embroidered a disc on. He brushes his teeth and he does his hair stuff. When he finishes he grabs his bracelet with a rose charm on it as well as his new necklace with a bee on it. He walked out and grabbed his favorite pair of shoes he customized way back when he was still in the system. He walked into his kitchen and opened the fridge just to cringed at the lack of good food. He sighed and ran his hand, threw his golden hair and face palmed as he grabbed his bag he uses for outings and put his stuff in it, his wallet, his dagger, his pepper spray, a notepad with a pen, ect. He smiled and grabbed his phone and earbuds and put them in opting to listen to a random playlist of music. He smiled as a lemon demon song came on and he hummed along as he smiled. Some of the flowers on the path he was taken bloomed back to life as he walked by, then the ones that seemed uncared for almost immediately looked like they were fake, almost too perfect. A cat ran up and rubbed against Tommys legs and he made a decision to add cat food to his list and a bowl or two. He smiled and patted the cat's head and he cooed at it when it melmed at him the moment he petted her.

"Awww!! Hi Max, aren't you just the cutest cat there ever was!" he cooed again when she purred and he smiled as he continued walking towards the connor store, his blue cardigan tied around his waist as he walked. He took out his notepad and pen and began writing a list and he even started to work on a new drawing. He fell back when he bumped into the wall. No. a person. He looked up and it was a ravenette with amber eyes and small, cool wings. He helped Tommy up but didn' stay for conversation at all... "odd' ' Tommy said after a moment but he picked his stuff up and continued to walk after all he could see the store now. He walked in and smiled at Jack who waved at him upon his arrival. He walked around the store grabbing the sugar, flour, baking powder, and the sifter. He was planning on baking a few items for Alex's birthday. He smiled as he sorted through items again and walked around a bit more getting some produce and other items for food. and viewed the isles while he walked he put some items in his basket humming to himself as he grew a flower crown from his hands and put in on, it was made of three flowers he's already made. He smells the sweetness of his flowers and as he looks around he sees two people talking. One flips a coin, the light catching its grooves as it flies through the air and back into the hands of one of the guys. They repeat the motion multiple times while Tommy looks around. He sighs as he can't see his favorite treat.... How disappointing. Oh well. He takes out his phone to check the time seeing it's only been a few minutes, he puts his phone back in its pocket and looks around for a few minutes and he spots the powdered sugar making a joke in his head about how it looks like something else. He chuckled and smiled as he saw a little girl asking her mom when they could go home and play. He doesn't want kids himself but he does adore them! He shook his head fondly and walked to a random direction hoping it would be the baking aisle. ( for no reason the powdered sugar is in a different aisle). He shrugged and bumped into someone. They were tall and had a lot of Scars with brown hair and what seemed to be a top hat with pointed ears. Both him and the stranger spoke at the same time "I'm so sorry!/Sorry, you okay?" They then responded at the same time: "Yes I'm fine, are you?/ you're fine." Tommy had a small smirk and answered the stranger "yes I'm fine, again sorry for bumping into you." They both conversed as multiple apologies thrown around as they talked, the stranger's name is Scar and he is here with his best pal (Scars words not his) Grain. They both carried on with their day.

Tommy finally paid for his groceries and carried them into his flat after messing Tubbo and letting him know that his followers would be ready tomorrow he crashed onto his sofa and fell asleep with Oswald looking at him funny before going back to swimming in his enclosure. First he sees black spots dancing in vision. He passed out the moment he closed his apartment door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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Tommy's guide to owning a flower shop (with minimal amounts of coffee!)Where stories live. Discover now