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Victoria violently turns to see sally she gasps dropping the items sally walks up to her.

"Fancy a bag?" She holds up the heroin

"N-no I don't d-do that anymo-ore" Victoria looks down

"Good you was a right horrible cunt on it" sally scoffs

"What the fuck did you just say you cow!" Victoria gets in her face

"Wow a lot more defensive now are we after your brat set off daughters were killed" sally chuckles

Victoria punches her making her fall over and keeps kicking her until sally is coughing up blood,Victoria kneels down strangling sally.

"You are still the junkie you was back then" Victoria slaps sally making her unconscious

She walks away with her belongings leaving sally on the floor,she runs to her room getting ready for bed.


She awakes to the birds singing she raises to her feet and looks in the mirror she's pale she looks dead,but she feels warm...

She gets dressed and goes downstairs breakfast is open she gets excited and walks to it sitting down and ordering,once she gets her food she sees Elizabeth walking in she looks broken.

Deja vu?

Victoria scoffs at her before going back to eating,iris walks over.

"What the fuck did you do" she grabs Victoria by her collar

"It ain't about what I did it's what I could've done" she pushes iris away

"So if you'd excuse me I'd like to eat thank you very much" Victoria huffs eating again

Iris walks away and Victoria gets another visit she groans out loud

"Cant I just fucking eat in piece?!" She bangs on the tables

She looks up to see James her eyes lower

"Oh it's you" she rolls her eyes

"Is that a problem?" He questions

"Not at all" she huffs

"About yesterday sall-" he gets cut off

"Don't even think about it or was end up like Elizabeth over there" she glared

"You did that? Wow Victoria that was evil" he looks at her

"I'm the evil one...I'm not the murderer here so don't be such a hypocrite" she stares at him

"You've changed" he gets more comfortable

She tenses up at this looking down at her food dropping her fork.

"Your fading look how pale you are I can hear you crying at night" james puts his hand on hers

"Don't mention it" she moves her hand away

"It's true after what happened your changing every minute,one minute you want revenge and the next your blaming yourself you need to get your act together Victoria Leigh" he walks away

She looses her appetite and puts the food away she grabs the whiskey she ordered and drinks it.

"Hey love what's up?" Liz sits next to her

"Just life is pretty shit" she chuckles

"It gets better Viccy" Liz runs her back

"Does it though because whatever I do it just gets worser" Victoria sighs

"Listen you can't leave me again I've missed you stubborn arse" Liz laughs

Victoria laughs along with her as she lays her head on Liz,and Liz hold her close.

"No matter what happens no matter what occurs no matter what you do,your life will always get better even though it's bad at the moment it will become good so..I suggest even though I love you lots and can't loose you again I suggest that you go far away as possible and live your life happily everr after you desarve your happy ending" Liz places a hand on Victorias rosey cheek

"Awh Liz your going to make me cry" Victoria hugs her

"Now I suggest you go get ready for a big day today and do your makeup get into a dress and I'll give you free drink on the house" Liz pushes her away

Victoria giggles and runs up the stairs until she gets grabbed by her hair it's Elizabeth

"You killed my baby! Yes fucking james told me you selfish bitch you killed my fucking baby! My fucking child I was growing!" Elizabeth slams her on the floor

Victoria looks at Elizabeth seeing her broken eyes makes a pant off guilt in her chest

"I was in the wrong state off mind" Victoria wipes her nose she's bleeding out off

"Wrong state of fucking mind?! You killed my baby" Elizabeth cries

"You killed mine!" Victoria shouts

"No I didn't!" Elizabeth screams back

Victoria widens her eyes looking at Elizabeth

"B-but james and you" Victoria clenches her eyebrows together

"He did the killing and I was there as an accountant" Elizabeth puts her head in her hands

"S-so it was all a lie I thought you my own bestfriend did that?" Victoria trembles tears falling like rainfalls out off her eyes putting a hand on her mouth

"I-i lost my baby Victoria" eliza glares at her

"I only did it because it was his" Victoria sighs

"So what! It was his chance to have another child" eliza walks up to her

"Just to kill it? You do remember he killed his twins" Victoria stands up

Elizabeth stays silent and Victoria scoffs

"I mean look at you know I'm right" Victoria looks at her

"I just wanted another child" Elizabeth tilts her head

"Well I want my children back" Victoria walks away

Remember Victoria it gets bet- no it fucking not getting better

She walks into her room and locks the door she turns on her bath on making it boiling hot water she sighs taking her clothes off looking at her naked body the scars from that night the haunting scars.

She grabs a razor blade her hand shaking once again,she sees single tears drop onto the blade (god Victoria stop crying for once in you life) she cuts deep cuts on her arms she gasps at the sensation off the pain.

The blood drops onto the floor the once white floor covered in bright red dots she walks to the bath and sits in it her breath hitching over the water,she puts her arms in side

She closes her eyes tightly in pain and looks up at the light before going unconscious.

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