fist day of school

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"Wake up, future hero!" Bonsia's voice rang out, far too loud for this early in the morning. The door to your room swung open with a familiar crash, and you groaned, pulling the blankets over your head in a desperate attempt to block him out. No such luck.

Your uncle, ever the morning person, marched over to your bed, yanked the covers down, and, with an evil grin, dumped a cold glass of water on your head.

You yelped, instantly sitting up, water dripping down your face. "What the hell, Uncle?!"

He shrugged, still grinning. "You weren’t waking up, and it’s your first day at U.A.! You need to make an entrance." He gestured to the soaked mess that was now your hair. "You're welcome."

"I hate you," you mumbled, but you couldn’t stop the smile creeping onto your face. You swung your legs out of bed and shoved him playfully. "Out. I need to get ready."

With a dramatic bow, Bonsia exited your room. "Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes! Don't take too long fixing that rat’s nest you call hair!" he called as he left.

Rolling your eyes, you threw on your school uniform. You had to admit, it wasn’t bad. The blazer was sharp, and the skirt was comfortable enough to move around in. You quickly brushed out your fiery red hair, pulling it into its usual messy ponytail, and grabbed your ever-present headphones. As you inspected yourself in the mirror, your heart started racing. Today’s the day.

By the time you made it downstairs, Bonsia had whipped up a small feast: pancakes, bacon, eggs, the works. You raised an eyebrow at him as you sat down. "What’s with the fancy breakfast?"

He shrugged, flipping another pancake. "First day at U.A. deserves a special sendoff. Plus, you’ll need the energy with all the training ahead of you."

You couldn’t argue with that, and dug in while he chattered away about his stream schedule for the day. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered more with every bite. You were really going to U.A., the top hero school. You’d made it.

"Don’t look so tense," Bonsia said, nudging you with his elbow as you finished up. "You’re going to be amazing, and if anyone gives you trouble, just remember—"

"Kick their ass, I know," you finished for him, grinning. It was his go-to advice for everything.

He laughed, ruffling your hair. "Damn straight."

With a quick hug and a final check to make sure you had everything, you were out the door, your heart pounding in sync with the beat of the music blasting in your headphones. The walk to U.A. was familiar, but today it felt different. Today, you were a student.

As you arrived at the gates, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself. This was it. You flashed a grin at the sea of students all around you—future heroes, just like you. You spotted a few familiar faces, including Iida, who was already speed-walking toward the entrance, his usual serious expression in place. You couldn’t resist calling out to him.

"Iida!" you shouted, waving your arms like a maniac. He turned, adjusting his glasses as he spotted you.

"(L/N), good morning!" he called back, his tone polite but with a hint of excitement. "Are you ready for your first day?"

"Born ready!" you said, jogging up to meet him. "I still can't believe we’re here. It feels surreal, doesn’t it?"

Iida nodded, though his posture remained rigid, his nerves clearly still in check. "Indeed. But we must remain focused. U.A. will not be easy."

You smirked. "I’d be disappointed if it was."

As you walked toward the main building together, you couldn’t help but glance around at the other students. You were curious about who your future classmates might be, and a certain spiky-haired blond from the park crossed your mind. You hadn’t seen Bakugou yet, but considering his attitude, he was probably already inside, glaring at anyone who dared look his way.

Cherrys and Oranges (a Bakugou x reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now