Kalapradarshana (antim dwandh)

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Arjun vowed to become a greatest warrior and deserving of brahmastra and much more. On that he will take revenge from karna for his humiliation.

Parshuram:- drona now you will fight my student, be prepared. Choose your weapon.

Dronacharya (angrily):- since he has so much confidence on his archery skills, i will defeat him in archery only and prove that he is nothing infront of me.

Karna:- I accept.

Both the warriors entered the battlefield. Dronacharya used his divine bow given to him by his father, Rishi bharadwaj. Karna used his ordinary bow that he used for practice.

The battle started with both warriors using normal arrows that multiplied, got converted to spears,maces,axes etc.

As the battle prolonged dronacharya started using divyastra and karna retaliated in similar fashion.

When dronacharya used naagpash to bind karna, he retaliated using garudastra. But using an advanced technique, he fired 2 astras together, one was garudastra and the other a simple arrow.

The arrow was first with such precision and accuracy that it cut the string of dronacharya's bow.

Karna:- acharya tie up your bow's string, and don't worry i won't attack till then.

It was the basic etiquette of battle but to dronacharya it was like karna was mocking him.

Dronacharya tied back the string and started firing astra with increased anger and ferocity.

Seeing karna defend against all his weapons with ease, he started chanting to summon a powerful astra that can annihilate armies together, the astra of paalanhara, the astra of narayana himself, NARAYANASTRA.

In his anger he didn't care about the spectators now the royals present there. His only aim was to destroy the Sutputra that has dared to humiliate him and his students.

Karna seeing NARAYANASTRA, knew that no defence or offence would work against it. So instead, he chose the route of bhakti.

He went on his knees, joined his hands and prayed,

Karna:- oh great narayanastra, i submit to you. Please judge my action and intention, if I am wrong then I am ready to give my life to you.

Saying this he bowed his head. To the astonishment of everyone present there, narayanastra gets transformed into a garland of lotus and adorned his neck.

Karna stood up with fierceness in his eyes, he used his bow to summon 2 arrows and fired towards dronacharya. One arrow hit his hand and disarmed him and the other bound him.

Karna:- dronacharya, what do you think of yourself. How dare you use such destructive weapon where innocent people will get harmed. Now I understand where Arjun learnt to do reckless things.

Dronacharya was ashamed of his actions, not the action of trying to kill Karan or insulting him. He was ashamed of using such a weapon in the duel and endangering everyone, especially his son.

Karna:- a person like you shouldn't have the weapon of paalanhara, Sri Narayan.

Karna, closed his eyes and joined his hands towards the sky,
Karna:- hey paalanhara, hey Hari Narayan, if you find my words to be true then I request you to take back your weapon from dronacharya. The person who doesn't care about others shouldn't have the weapon of paalanhara.

Everyone was astonished seeing that a ray of light got extracted from dronacharya and went towards the sky. Dronacharya felt the loss of narayanastra, and others also understood.

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