Ch.2- unwind

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"Well...this is it. The show's over. I hope you enjoyed it...Once again, I'm NDXL, and thank you all for attending."

That announcement was followed by a massive round of applause.

The last echoes of the crowd's cheers faded while the sea of fans made their way to the exit. NDXL continued watching from above, waiting for everyone to leave. He let an appreciative smile slip at Cyrix in the distance, as he helped NDXL to usher out the last few stragglers at a respectably effective rate. Then the venue was empty, with just the two of them left...and also leftover litter, because the audience consisting of no litter bugs among them is less likely than being struck by lightning. As far as he remembered, NDXL hadn't recruited any janitors for this occasion.

"Great turnout today, eh? Let's clean all this trash-"

Within a flicker of NDXL's slightly annoyed expression, all the unwanted matter suddenly rose up into the air. A green glow enveloped them as they disintegrated into nothingness, leaving no traces behind. NDXL didn't even move a muscle.

"up...nice auto-cleaning system." Cyrix didn't want to question it. He followed NDXL as the latter retreated backstage.


Backstage, NDXL slumped into a bean bag that was just there for some reason. The loudest noise present was the harsh whistling of his vents. He titled a half-empty water bottle and poured the clear liquid straight into his screenhead. Out of context, it would look like he was committing robo-suicide. But the water vanished by god knows what mechanisms, cooling his systems.

*That'd never not look weird,* Cyrix thought to himself. NDXL shrugged and sighed.

"Man, I'm knackered..." he said, each word reducing in amplitude, limbs feeling soggier and soggier.

"No shit sherlock, you should be. Better get some rest and recharge soon."

"Yeah...I..hope they'll remember it for days to come."

"More like weeks. You deserve it, buddy."

"Yeah...the turnout was great...thank you."

Being the most reasonably close to NDXL among the entire planned roster of my fanfic's characters, Cyrix was a first-hand witness of all the preparations NDXL made for his unexpected but welcome return, the first whom he'd contacted about it. So Cyrix excitedly informed his closest buddies about it.

*"I don't know or remember who that is but that sounds cool so I'm interested!"* summed up their responses. Word spread fast, especially from Hex's apparently infinite friends. Those connections indirectly helped increase the amount of eyes looking forward to this fateful day, which NDXL treasured. He wasn't sure how to express his thanks for it.

"Aww champ, no need to thank me!" Cyrix chided. He was replied with an awkward but sincere nod. It felt a bit cheesy, but this uplifting camaraderie was something NDXL didn't resist.

"By the way, I was thinkin'- why don't you join us tomorrow morning?"

"Hmm?" his head tilted slightly in interest.

"Some other TV heads and I are getting together for an outing. A lil' bit of downtime after this."

NDXL's screen dimmed slightly in contemplation. He was an introvert by nature, often preferring the solitude of his The most likely reason for exiting the concert hall was for gigs and performances. Other than that, it seemed unlikely that he'd defy reticence. But he was willing to accept Cyrix's invitations, feeling it would be "beneficial". No harm in going with the flow, right?

"Sure, why not."

"Cool! We'll gather at Displo's bar, I'll pick you up at 9 in the morning."

"Yeah, I'll go charge now. And..uh, thanks again." NDXL's voice was almost being swallowed by the silence.

"No problemo."

As Cyrix took his leave, the ephemeral quiet set in, and NDXL sat alone with his thoughts. Unwinding from the organised chaos of the night, only time would tell him if everything was worth it after all...

Inside his room, he plugged himself into a machine, probably a charger. He didn't need to lie down, but mimicking the common human position just felt natural to him.

Lights off.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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