The Message.

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Reputation's POV

oh my fucking god this hangover is killing me
I shuffle in bed and turn to my right

there was a woman..

"Hey beautiful" she said and smirked
Im gonna be honest i do not remember her name

"uh hi" i quickly cover up and slide a hoodie onto myself and got off the bed

"going so soon?" The woman asked

"yeah and you should too" i told her without even looking at her and went into the bathroom. She was just another meaningless fling. Doesn't mean much to me so i just got ready as usual and hoped she'd be gone by then

Todays outfit i went for a simple blank corset tank top and some cargo pants with my converse

When i finished getting ready, i saw a note on my bedside table and it said

"Call me xx
1839randomnumber9288 "

I scanned the piece of paper, scoffed, crushed it and threw it away. I really couldn't care less. Its not like i actually felt anything with her

I flipped my phone over and saw a notification

"Taylor" hm? Why was taylor texting me?

"Reputation, tomorrow you and a few other girls are moving into a new house."

What the actual fuck.

I dont live with people. I dont DO people.
Well, i do people, but i dont DO people. I just want to be alone.

I picked up my phone to text back

"i dont want to." I huffed

"too bad too sad im picking you and midnights up later at 12. Im picking you two up last because you're both always late. So be prepared." Taylor sent back and i turned off my phone to flop onto my bed

"motherfucker." I said into my pillow

Who the fuck is midnights?

I live alone. And i want it to stay that way but i cant say no to Taylor, she will literally drag my ass out this house and into that one

Living with 11 other people sounds like hell on earth. At least  we'll be getting our own rooms.

I start packing up all the stuff i absolutely needed cause taylor said there was already stuff there

The Next Day


fucking alarm.

I get out of bed and checked the time

"11:30" well shit

I rushed into the toilet to take a shower and changed into a sweater and some ripped jeans

"Shit needa brush my teeth" i run back to the toilet and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing

I checked the time again

"11:56" i start brushing faster, and after im done i sprint downstairs, saying one last goodbye to my house

"Wow you are actually on time for once" i heard a  familiar voice say, it was taylor but there was another girl beside her, tall, blonde, dark blue eyes, she was gorgeous

"hey. im mid" she said, nonchalantly

She was definitely high i could see it

"rep" i nodded and there was a moment of silence

"wanna smoke" she handed me cigarette

"no thanks, maybe next time though" i declined

"mkay suit yourself" she took the cigarette, lit it and started smoking it, but before she could even take a puff it was immediately smacked out of her hand

"Midnights! Stop that. No smoking in my car." Taylor said and midnights rolled her eyes

If everyone at the house was like midnights, i would have no problems.

I was so wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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