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Leia made sure to get up earlier the next day and was already waiting on the steps to her house when Alex pulled up.

"Good morning sweetheart," Alex greeted her as she came flying down the steps and into his arms. He caught her and spun her around a few times, eliciting some giggles out of her.

"You look gorgeous today." He commented as he put her down, his eyes sweeping across her body.

Her face heated up at the compliment as she mumbled a quick thank you and looked down at her outfit. She had picked an oversized sweater today because it was a little cold and matched it with a mini-skirt and sneakers.

Alex's eyes lingered at her exposed thighs a second longer before moving to open the passenger door for her and helping her in.

They drove to get some breakfast, mostly Leia got breakfast while Alex got a coffee before making their way to school still with some time to spare.

On the way, Leia was telling him how she had asked her parents if she could stay over at his house the night before.

"They said they want to meet you first though, is that okay? Maybe during dinner on friday?" She asked, really hoping that he'd say yes.

And of course he said yes, making her bounce excitedly in her seat and her skirt hike up even higher.

"Sweetheart, sit still." Alex groaned, reaching over to place a hand on her knee. It's not like he was trying to look but it was definitely distracting him while he was driving.

Leia settled down, moving to fidget with the rings on his fingers for the rest of the ride.

The first bell had just rang when they finally reached and Alex went to open her door for her before getting their things from the back like always.

Leia was adjusting her clothes when he came back with their bags and his spare hoodie which he pushed into her arms.

"I already have a sweater silly." She giggled as they started making their way towards the building, Alex's hand on the small of her back gently guiding her. She still hugged the hoodie in her arms as she looked up at him for an explanation.

"It's for your legs sweetheart, in case they get cold."

Honestly he just didn't want other people to stare while he wasn't with her. He let out a sigh as the though crossed his mind, he never knew he'd be so protective.

"It's fine sweetheart," he let out a half-hearted chuckle. "You don't have to take it." Obviously he wouldn't force her to take it just because he'd be jealous.

Reaching over, he tried to take the hoodie out of her grasp but was stopped when he saw her face. "Wha-why? Why are you crying?"

He was frozen shocked as he stood staring at her hugging the hoodie tightly to her chest as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Sniffling, the tears came rolling down a second later as she watched Alex make no move to comfort her.

Their bags were dropped onto the floor and his arms came wrapping around her as the tears blurred her vision.

"What happened? Why are you upset?" He asked worriedly as his hand went to the back of her head trying to sooth her down.

"Please don't cry sweetheart, what's wrong?" He mumbled into her head as she sniffled against his chest. His hand rubbed up and down her back as he waited for her to calm down.

"I-I didn't mean to make you upset." She managed to mumbled into his chest in between hiccups once the waterworks stopped.

"Upset?" He echoed after her confused. "Why would I be upset sweetheart? You didn't do anything wrong." He continued, moving away from her slightly so he could see her face.

"Y-you were upset because I d-didn't take your h-hoodie and then you let out a-a huge sigh." She started to explain why he was upset, pausing to take a breath. "T-then you didn't want to give it t-to me anymore."

"That's why you cried?" Alex blinked down at her when she was done before letting out a chuckle. "You're adorable sweetheart."

Moving his hands to cup her face, his thumb wiped the dried tears from her cheeks. "I wasn't upset sweetheart, and definitively not because of something like that."

Leia sniffled a little as he continued, "I won't get upset because you want to make your own decisions. You never have to do anything you don't want to and I won't force you to do it either. Do you understand?"

He waited for a nod before he continued. "You don't have to take the hoodie okay sweetheart? I just..." he trailed off, not knowing how to tell her his reason without sounding overbearing.

Before he could think of what to say, she started shaking her head. "I want to take it, please? It smells like you." She explained, leaning into one of his hands.

Alex let out a groan as he leaned his forehead down on hers. "You're adorable, did you know that?" He mumbled with his eyes closed.

"Of course you can have it."

Leia looked up at him through her eyelashes, he was so close she could feel his breath on her face. It was like he knew she was staring because his eyes opened a second later, looking right back down at her.

But before any of them could say anything, the bell rang signaling the end of the first period.

Alex moved away from her just as the students piled out of the rooms. "Let's go before we miss any more classes." He chuckled, going to get their bags from the floor.

Leia was wiping at her face with the back of her sleeve, trying to make sure that all the tear stains were gone when he reach his hand out for her. "You look fine sweetheart, come on."

She laced their fingers together and fell in step with him as he led the way to their next class. Luckily Noah had already changed her classes to match his so he wouldn't have to leave her alone.

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