Check Up

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A/N: Don't forget to Vote & Comment, if you wish too. ^^


At the ice rink, from the last movie, the light goes on as everything else turns on along with it. The ice was then seen getting cleaned with those big machines that clean ice. As we go to the locker rooms to see Riley tapping up her hockey stick and preparing for the game.


As inside headquarters, the emotions are preparing for Riley's game as well. Anger straightens his tie, Fear fixes his bowtie, Disgust files her nails, Sadness cleans her glasses, (Y/N) fixes her bow in her hair, while Joy shuffles his hands together with a smile.


Back in the real world, Riley puts on the gloves and pounds her fist together.


In headquarters, Joy slides into place as on the screen, Riley could be seen getting into position. As she is seen with her hair up in a ponytail with braces on her teeth. Joy hops into the screen with a cartwheel and a smile, getting close to the panel.

"Let's! Play! Some! HOCKEY!!!" Joy cheers as he presses a bunch of things on the panel.

On the screen, Riley and her team are seen entering the ice rink, excited and ready for the game of their lives.

Joy puts on a headset and smiles, "This is Joy-"

"AND (Y/N)!" (Y/N) hugs Joy's arm as she pops up next to him.

Joy chuckles and kisses (Y/N)'s head, "...coming from you live in Riley's mind! And we are expecting a great championship today with the Foghorns!"

On the screen, Riley is seen bumping into her friends, in the normal friendly way, and fist bumping them, doing a little handshake.

"Riley's in! Get up on your feet and MAKE SOME NOISE!!!" (Y/N) yells as she holds the pom poms in her hand.

"Let's meet our first, lovely, beautiful contender, my lovely girlfriend, (Y/N)!! Master of Love!!" Joy points to (Y/N) as she flushes and bows.

"Well...I wouldn't say that much." She paused and chuckled, "Okay...I will!" (Y/N) presses a few buttons for Riley's handshake.

On screen, Riley's parents are seen in a full get up, cheering for their daughter.

"GO, GO, GO!!" Mom cheers.

Mom & Dad start chanting, "LET'S GO, FOGHORNS!!!"

Riley gathers her team in a huddle, "Bring it in! Foghorns, on three! One, two, three!" The team puts their hands in.

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