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Screams and roars echoed around you as you let out a fierce dragon's roar, your claw trapped beneath a rock. The faces of the people of Khanri'ah flashed vividly in your mind, those you had fought so hard to save. Yet, you had been forced to watch them perish, one by one...
You jolted awake, wrapped in your husband's embrace, back in your human form. It was just another one of those endless nightmares that had haunted you for centuries. Neuvillette slept peacefully beside you, his arms instinctively tightening around you as he sensed your stirring.

"Love?" he mumbled, his beautiful draconic blue eyes slowly opening, framed by the cascade of his long white hair falling behind him.

"Neuvi..." you whispered, burying your face in his chest. He didn't need to ask—he already knew what it was.

"The same nightmare again?" he still asked softly, his hand gently caressing your horns, a soothing touch that always brought you comfort.

You sighed and nodded sadly, the memories swirling endlessly in your mind.

"It's just... this has been going on forever," you murmured, the weight of centuries heavy in your voice.

He quietly pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you with gentle care, as if shielding you from the weight of your memories. His embrace was warm and steady, a silent promise that you weren't alone. With his lips close to your ear, he whispered sweet, soothing words, each one like a soft melody meant to calm the storm inside you. His voice, filled with love and understanding, was a steady anchor, grounding you in the present, away from the haunting echoes of your past.

"It's alright, I'm here..." he whispered softly, his voice a gentle reassurance as he held you close, his arms enveloping you in a protective embrace. His presence, solid and unwavering, reminded you that no matter how many nightmares came, he would always be there.

" We'll be late for work..." you suddenly remembered, looking up at him with a hint of concern. The thought tugged at you, but his embrace made it hard to pull away from the moment.

Neuvillette sighed softly, the warmth of the moment fading as reality settled back in. He gently helped you up, his hand lingering in yours for just a moment longer, as if reluctant to let go.

8:24 AM, Court of Fontaine: Palais Mermonia; Y/N's office

You sat in your office, meticulously preparing for the upcoming trial where you would present your evidence as a detective. The case was crucial, and every detail had to be perfect. You glanced at the door, knowing that across the hall, in his own office, your husband must be feeling nervous, as he always did before a trial. Though he never let it show, you could sense the subtle tension in him, a reflection of his deep sense of responsibility.

A gentle knock interrupted your thoughts, followed by a familiar voice.

"Mademoiselle Y/N?"

You lifted your head from the stack of documents, recognizing Aeife, one of the little melusines.

"Come in," you called softly.

The door opened, revealing Aeife, her blue fur slightly ruffled as she carefully carried a stack of new documents in her small hands. She looked up at you with her bright, eager eyes.

"These are from Monsieur Neuvillette," Aeife said, carefully placing the documents on your desk. "He also told me to deliver a message to you, but..." She glanced down shyly, her ears drooping slightly. "...I forgot what he said. I-I am sorry, Mademoiselle—"

You couldn't help but chuckle softly, cutting off her apology with a gentle smile.

"Hey, I told you not to apologize for things like that, Aeife. You're still getting used to this place and... all of this." You gestured around the office, reassuring her. "It's completely okay."
Aeife gave you a small, relieved smile and nodded, her shyness fading for a moment. She then turned and quietly walked out of the office, her tiny footsteps barely making a sound as the door softly closed behind her.

You sighed softly, turning your attention back to the pile of documents. After a while, the final page was reviewed, and you stacked the papers neatly on your desk. With a sense of accomplishment, you stood up and decided to head to Neuvillette's office, curious to find out what he wanted. You made your way across the hall, feeling the familiar calm before the storm of the upcoming trial.

knock knock...

You peeked through the door, waiting for Neuvillette's subtle sound of approval before stepping inside. As you entered, he lifted his tired head, the weight of the day evident in his posture. But the moment his eyes landed on you, they lit up with a soft warmth.

"My love," he murmured, his voice filled with quiet affection, as if your presence alone had lifted some of his burdens.

You smiled as you walked up to him, placing the finished documents on his desk.

"Aeife told me you wanted to tell me something, but the little one forgot," you said, chuckling softly as he leaned forward and kissed your hand, his lips brushing against your skin with a gentle tenderness.

He looked up at you, a mix of amusement and affection in his eyes, as if he was grateful for the melusine's innocent slip.
Just as Neuvillette opened his mouth to speak, the moment was shattered by a sudden, frantic knock on the door. Before either of you could respond, the door swung open with a loud creak.

"Monsieur Neuvillette, Mademoiselle Y/N—!" Augustus burst into the room, his voice strained and breathless. He was clearly in a state of panic, struggling to catch his breath as his wide eyes darted between the two of you.

"W-We have terrible news!" he stammered, his words coming out in a rush. "The captured suspect... he... he just took his own life in the main hall!"

A cold silence filled the room as the weight of his words settled over you both.

Neuvillette quickly rose to his feet, standing beside you with a composed but urgent demeanor.

"Please, take us to the scene immediately," he said, his tone calm yet commanding.

9:16 AM, Court of Fontaine: Palais Mermonia; main hall

You stared down at the lifeless body before you, your sharp instincts as a detective kicking in almost immediately. Something was off. Examining the details closely, it became clear.

"This isn't his body," you said, crouching beside the corpse, your voice steady as the realization hit you.
Neuvillette, standing beside you, quickly came to his senses as well. His eyes scanned the body, and he nodded in agreement, his mind working through the implications of your discovery. The tension in the room deepened as both of you realized the situation was far more complex than it seemed.

"Get the guards, and make sure the melusines are safe," the Chief Justice commanded Augustus, his voice firm and steady as he took control of the situation. His usual calm demeanor was now laced with urgency, ensuring that everyone under his care was protected.

As you examined the corpse more closely, something caught your eye—a familiar necklace lying against the pale skin. Your heart raced as you recognized it; it was a delicate piece adorned with intricate designs, something you had seen before. It belonged to someone you knew, someone connected to the case in ways you hadn't anticipated. The sight of it sent a chill down your spine, raising more questions than answers...

You get up and show him the necklace, his face now as shocked as yours...

A/N: AYY thanks if you went this far👏 i broke my arm and I'm barely writing this

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