Ch. 6 Jade

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Damien's grip on my wrist is like a steel vice, and for a split second, I freeze. His hand, firm and unyielding, pulls me closer, and the heat from his body radiates like a warning. His intense gaze locks onto mine, those cold, calculating eyes flickering with something darker-control, dominance.

My heart hammers in my chest as I stand there, chest-to-chest with him, the air between us thick with tension.

He's intimidating. Not just in his size or strength, but in the way he *knows*-he knows he has power over me in this moment, and he's making damn sure I feel it.

His fingers tighten just enough to make it clear that I'm not going anywhere unless *he* lets me. The arrogant smirk that tugs at the corner of his lips only infuriates me more, but there's a part of me, deep down, that senses the danger.

His closeness is overwhelming; the scent of his cologne and the slow burn of his breath against my skin makes the situation feel all too real, and I'm caught between wanting to push him away and not daring to defy him.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me," he growls, his voice low, sending a shiver down my spine. There's a fire behind his words, something threatening that lingers in the way he speaks. "Unless you want me to give you a real reason to regret it."

For a heartbeat, I don't move. My pulse pounds in my ears, but I can't let him have this power over me. I yank my wrist free with a sharp stroke, stumbling back just slightly as I create distance between us.

The loss of his touch, cold as it was, leaves my skin burning, a ghost of his hand still there. My breath is shallow as I manage to spit out, "Seriously! That's enough!"

I don't wait for his response-I turn and walk away, my chest heaving with a mix of anger and something else I can't understand. I push through the crowd, weaving between strangers, feeling Damien's stare burning into my back.

His arrogance, his cockiness-it's infuriating, and yet... I can't stop replaying the way he looked at me, the way his hand gripped me like I was his to control. I shake my head, pushing those thoughts aside as my eyes scan the crowd for Shelly.

But she's nowhere to be found.

Just then, a man approaches, stepping into my path with a smile that's a little too wide. "Hey, you lost?" he asks, his voice friendly but with an edge.

He's tall, with scruffy brown hair and a relaxed demeanor.

I shake my head, trying to brush off the lingering feeling from Damien. "No, just looking for my friend."

The guy chuckles, as if we're in on some inside joke. "First time here?" he asks casually.

I nod. "Yeah, first time."

We talk for a bit-small, polite conversation about the club, where I'm from. I feel the tension ease slightly as he keeps the conversation going, his demeanor harmless enough. Then, somehow, we shift into likes and dislikes, and when I mention manga, his eyes light up.

"Manga, huh? That's pretty cool. I actually just bought a new collection myself," he says, the enthusiasm in his voice growing. "If you're interested, I can show you. My place is nearby."

I pause for a moment, hesitant, but curiosity gets the better of me. "Sure," I say, and we start heading out of the club.

But as we walk through the streets, something doesn't feel right. We've been walking for a while now, and there's no sign of his place. My gut twists as I glance around, noticing how quiet the area has become, far from the lively atmosphere of the club.

I stop in my tracks, my voice sharp. "You said your place was nearby. We've been walking for a while now, and we're still not there."

The guy glances back, his smile tight, almost forced. "It's just up ahead. Not much farther, trust me."

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