Chapter 29

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Ivan's POV*

Back in my room, I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at my half-finished homework. My mind was still on Dad's offer to go out for dinner. I didn't know how to feel about it. Part of me wanted to give him a chance, to see if he was really serious this time. But there was this other part, the part that remembered all the times he'd let us down, that told me it wasn't worth getting my hopes up. 

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts."Yeah?" I called out.

Julio stepped in, his expression as sour as it had been since we got home. He didn't say anything at first, just leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed."Dad wants to go out, to celebrate Teodoro's graduation" he finally said, his tone flat.

"He won't stop asking. You going?"I sighed, running a hand through my hair. 

"what graduation are you talking about. I asked, confused. 

"Apparently Teo just graduated kindergarten today."

I blinked, still not quite catching up. "He graduated today, why haven't I heard anything about that." I questioned.

" I don't know, I just heard of this today for the first time." Julio  shrugged.

"when are we leaving."  I asked sitting up.

"In two hours." Julio answered pushing off the doorframe his expression as sour as it had been since we got home. There was a heavy pause between us, the weight of everything unsaid hanging in the air. Julio had always been harder on Dad than I was, and I couldn't blame him for it. We'd all been hurt, but Julio had taken it the worst.

"Look,"  I said, standing up this time. "If we go, it's just one dinner. We don't have to pretend everything's fixed, but maybe we can just... see where it goes? At the end of the day we are doing all of this for Teo."

Julio stared at me for a long moment, his jaw tight. "Fine. I'll go. But only because Teo's probably looking forward to it."I nodded, knowing that was the best I'd get out of him. Julio "I'm going to go get ready" he added, leaving my room.

Lorenzo and Enrique were roped into it, too. They'd been staying over more often lately, especially since Dad had made his big push to bring the family back together. Lorenzo didn't say much when Dad suggested dinner, but Enrique had been surprisingly on board, after congratulating Teo. 

So, the five of us piled into Dad's car. Me, Julio, Lorenzo, Enrique, and Teo. heading to Ronjox restaurant. That dad owned.

The drive there was mostly quiet. I could tell Dad was trying to make small talk with Lorenzo and Enrique, but Julio just stared out the window, making no effort to hide his annoyance. When we pulled up to the restaurant, the place looked exactly the same as the last time we were here, warm lights, cozy atmosphere. 

It should've felt comforting as we walked in, but the tension between us made it hard to enjoy.

"Hello welcome to Renjox." A lady behind the desk said smiling. Do you have a room order already.

"Yes we do, under the name Rossi. Dad said in his business voice.

"Mr. Rossi I'm very sorry I.... I didn't recognize you sir." The woman stuttered directing  us to our room, before leaving us with menus to order from. Teo slid into the chair next to me, his eyes bored as he looked at the menu.

We were seated at a round table as the waitress came to take our orders, I noticed Dad glancing around the table, his expression hopeful but strained. He was trying so hard to make this work, to piece together the fragments of our broken family. I could see it, but I wasn't sure if the others could, or if they even cared anymore.

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