Chapter 4

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The pic on the side is of Luke.

"No." the guy snarls.

"Why the fuck not? You can't have a clean house without a vacuum!"

"Because I don't know how to use it!"

I huff. "Then I'll fucking teach you, dammit."

"Fine." he snaps.

He grabs a vacuum. I take him to get everything he needs to clean his house. He drags me to grocery.

"Do you like cheese?"

"Yes." I say. "Why are you asking me if I like cheese?"
"Because I wanted to know, dammit."

"Stop swearing. There are children around."

"Yeah," he says. "You."

"Go fuck yourself." I mutter.

I follow him around th grocery store.

He pauses with his hand on a tub of ice cream.

"If you don't tell me your name I'm not getting you a jeep."

I glare at him.

"No. I'm not saying my name."

"Please?" he shuts the glass door and turns to me. "I'm serious. Please tell me your name."

"Well, since that's the first time I've ever heard you use manners, it's Alyssa. My name is Alyssa."

"Alyssa what?"

"Marie Kennedy."

"Okay." he says.

"Well you have to tell me your name."

"Luke." he says. "Luke Tyler Raider."

"Okay." I shrug.

He grabs ten tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

"Plan on having a sob fest?" I laugh.

He rolls his eyes.

"I get Ben and Jerry's free."


"Because I'm the CEO of the company."

I scoff.


I follow him around the store.

He goes to the register.

I don't pay attention at he pays.

We go to his Jeep and I start to help him load stuff up.

"You're not helping me. Go away."

"Why?" I ask, irritated.
"Because I don't want you touching my food." he growls.

I see a girl across the parking lot watching us like a hawk.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I don't need your help."


"Alyssa," he turns to me. "You're not my slave. Get in the car before I leave you here."

I huff and turn around and get in the car.

He leads it up and gets in too.

He starts it and the engine roars to life.

He backs up and heads back to his house.

I go to help again when we get there.

"Go away." he says.

"Why?" I yell at him. "I'm not incapable!"

"You're not my slave." he says, getting in my face. "Go inside."

I shut my eyes and turn around and go inside.

He comes in four times and goes to the kitchen.

"Don't ask to help." he calls.

I grumble in response and just stand there.

After nearly twenty minutes of him slamming cabinets and such, he comes in.

"Done?" I ask. "Can I clean now so I can leave?"


"Why not?"




"But Luke."

"How about you go home?"


"I'll get you the Jeep. Leave."

I open my mouth to protest.

"Just GO!"

"Jesus! Fine!" I storm out of the house and down the street.

I just walk across town.

When I get home, I clean up my house and then sit down and turn on Netflix. I start NCIS and put water on the boil.

He's such a dick.

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