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~ Apprentice Name ~

"From this day forward, until he has earned his warrior name, Tigerkit will be now be known as Tigerpaw."

Tigerpaw flicked his tail excitedly, looking around him to see who would be his mentor. He's been waiting forever to become an apprentice! Who will be his mentor? Thistleclaw? Stormtail? Or maybe even-



Tigerpaw's heart sank. Bluefur? But she's as soft as a kittypet! He complained to himself. "You are a loyal warrior. You have lost so much yet continued to serve the clan. I hope you pass down these attributes to Tigerpaw."

"I promise," mewed Bluefur. She walked up to Tigerpaw. Tigerpaw hesitated but reluctantly touched muzzles with her. Leopardfoot walked up to him and licked him all over.

"You're going to be a fine warrior under Bluefur's mentorship." Leopardfoot meowed. "I might have to start thinking about warrior names. Like Tigerstripe, Tigertail, Tigerheart, Tigerwing..."

Tigerpaw's fur was bristling with disappointment. "What is so special about Bluefur?" asked Tigerpaw, glaring at his mother, hopping away from her grasp.

"The thing with Bluefur is that she lost her kin," described Leopardfoot. "That she lost everything. She lost her mother Moonflower, and a few moons ago she lost her sister and Whitekit's mother Snowfur to the Thunderpath."

"Yes, but she-" started Tigerpaw. "Is still pushing forward," mewled Leopardfoot after giving her son another lick. "She still serves her clan after talks with Sunstar. She was crushed when she lost Moonflower and Snowfur. But she kept going."

Leopardfoot leaned down to her son's ear. "That's a very lucky cat to have as a mentor," mewed Leopardfoot. Oh... I guess I never thought about it like that," sighed Tigerpaw. "I'm sorry if I sounded like a whining kit."

"You are a whining kit," Leopardfoot chuckled. "You're my whining kit." Tigerpaw saw Bluefur approaching him. "Want to learn battle moves?" asked Bluefur playfully.

Tigerpaw brightened up. For some reason, his mother was twitching her whiskers at Bluefur. "Shut up! Just because I went a little too far with Lionpaw does NOT mean I will do the same to my own apprentice!" She hissed.

"Can we start training right now?" asked Tigerpaw excitedly. "Sorry Tigerpaw, but Silverpelt is out. Get some sleep, we'll start tomorrow."

Tigerpaw nodded, bounding towards the apprentice den, where Lionpaw and Goldenpaw would welcome him. "Hey Tigerpaw!" greeted Lionpaw. "Saw your ceremony! Congratulations!" purred Goldenpaw.

Tigerpaw purred of pride, but nothing meant more than going to sleep. Claiming a nest next to Lionpaw, his mind lost consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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