The Bite (Version 1)

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A/N- This story was written by yours truly in like eight grade (I think?) back when I had a major obsession with animal crossing and also creepypasta. (It was also COVID so I had nothing better to do) So of course, I wrote this. Obviously. This is the first version of two, and while the second one is just a touch better, this first one is more entertaining in my opinion. This is being translated from a spiral notebook so all grammatical errors have been left in. Enjoy.

It was a bright and sunny day. The perfect day to go villager hunting. Everything was looking great and I was convinced I would fineally, FINEALLY, get a dream villager. 

The first two islands were a bust. Muffy and Prince, nothing special. But the third would be different. I could feel it as soon as I stepped off the tiny plane. 

The island, at first, looked completely ordinary. Trees were scattered about and there were beaches and lakes. But something The cliffs in the center seemed too tall. The lake too deep. The trees, unchanged by the seasons, still clinging to their green leaves even though it was the middle of winter. (Hmm nice description little me, why can't I write descriptions of trees like this anymore :'D) I was really freaked out and ready to leave when I heard a sound from the top of the cliffs. An unearthly howl. 

I was torn between running for it and going to see what the noise was when the creature howled again. My curiosity won and I scaled the cliff, not sure what I would find. After fineally (I really didn't know how to spell finally did I) getting up the smaller cliff faces, I was face-to-face with the creature. He appeared to have once been a dog, but at this point it was hard to tell. Blood and foam alike dripped from his muzzle onto his emaciated body. One eye hung out of it's socket, (NOOOOO I USED A COMMA WRONG HOW COULD YOU LITTLE ME) and the other was bloodshot. The dog saw me and leaped with astounding force despite his weak body. I blocked him with my ladder but he got his head between the rungs, biting blindly at my face. The last thing I heard was dog's tounge drinking up my blood. (I obviously meant a dog's tongue but it's much funnier without the a) 

I woke to a small white room empty except for a blurry form in the corner. As my eyes adjested, I saw it was Tom Nook. (He's here to collect some taxes probably)

"Got yourself hurt pretty badly," he said emotionlessly. (He's emotionless because I'm not giving him money, probably) 

"Don't worry, you're not dead. But this isn't much better." He gestured to the mirror in the corner and I looked at my broken face for the first time. 

It was hideous. My face completly covered in bandages except for one eye. And even that eye doesn't look so good. Tom must have seen the pain in my eye becase he told me to go home and rest. I curled up in the corner and cried that night, not wanting to go out ever again, but started keeping a journal to document my recovery. 

A/N: I got bored of translating this so uh I'll post the other parts later ig. I've also decided to split this up to make it more palatable cause these creepypastas are a lil hefty in length. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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