Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here

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We enter into the next scene, where we see the grand Hair Ball. Where every troll is dress up so delightful. In their fancy clothes and stuff. And every troll enter in on the red carpet. Every troll from all the troll kingdom. Expect for the all giants, cause they are very busy on their own. And then, the King and Queen of the Pop Trolls, Poppy and Branch, enter in. Being fancy together as they both walk in to the ballroom. Cause the party is full of everything that trolls like. Foods and Drinks, and DJ's Wooferbug, and more. And then enter in Broppy's old time friends, Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Satin, Chenille, DJ Suki and Mr. Dinkles, as they welcome the happy royal couple.

Broppy's Old Friends: Hey, Poppy!

Poppy: Hey, guys! Nice to see you again. (As they share a great group hug together)

Biggie: Hi ya, Branch. Oh. (But the gang, were confused. If Branch was his old self or not. Until Branch agrees.)

Branch: Oh, don't worry about that. The past, is in the past. Just give me a hug.

Broppy's Old Friends: Awwwww!

Then they all share a great big hug, together. Then they begin to conversation each other.

DJ Suki: So how have you been, Poppy?

Poppy: Oh, the usual. Being Queen, and having a husband. Raising only 5 kids.

DJ Suki: Yeah, that must been one great happy family, that you created.

Branch: Yeah, and it was all we ever had for.

Satin: So Poppy, are you going to dance...

Chenille: ... with your husband today?

The Fashion Twins: In a great romantic mood?

Poppy: Not really. But we Trolls just wanna have fun. Right.

Branch: And we're all here to commence our trolls society. Since Poppy teach us how we can live in harmony. Since we're all a great family now.

Poppy: And those other trolls, are the techno, classical, country, hard rock, soul with funk, and as the pop trolls.

Biggie: Ah, Poppy. I'm afraid we're fresh out of Techno and Classical tonight.

Poppy: (Confused) What do you mean?

Mr. Dinkles: For instance my child. The classical and the techno trolls, are having a challenge, to see which will go to ball tonight. So it's only 5 in a half group of trolls, to join the Hair Ball Party Central Committee. Not 6, my dear. (Meep)

Poppy: So, who's gonna be the lucky Troll Group, who can come to the ball, tonight?

As we cut to a scene, where in symphonyville, King Trollex and Maestro Trollartz were playing poker cards, to see who will go to the ball tonight. Trollex, has five cards, and he need to pick a card, to know what colors would right or wrong. Trollex's wife Bliss help him out.

Bliss Marina: (Look at a card) Uh, no. (Look at a card) Uh, no. (Look at a card) Really, double no. (Look at a card and chose it) Yeah. Sock it to it baby.

Trollex gave the card to Trollartz, then Trollartz said...

Trollartz: Rummy!

Trollartz won the game, and got a full house.

Trollex: (As he begins to look angry) OH, NO! NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! I demand a rematch!

Trollartz: Sorry, but fair is fair!

Trollex: Oh, yeah. Them's fighting words. So let's do it! WINNER, TAKES ALL!!! YOU GOT IT?!

Trollartz: As you wish.

So Trollex and Trollartz, begin a new game, which is Thumb Wars, on their thumbs. They fight on and on, know which group can go to the ball.

Then we cut back to the same scene.

Poppy: Whoa, that is gonna be thought, if one of them show up us tonight.

Mr. Dinkles: Yes. Even one of them, wouldn't know who's the best. (Meep)

Biggie: (To his pet) Oh, Mr. Dinkles, you can be a very great doctor, in the village. Even to answer their problems.

Then the Broppy heard a voice.

Smidge: (Offscreen) Hey, Poppy! Branch!

Broppy: Smidge!

Yep, as she enters in, it was Smidge. With her silver dress. As she finally meet, the Official King and Queen of the Pop Trolls.

Smidge: Hey, what's up!

Broppy: Oh, Smidge!

As they both gave a hug in return.

Branch: Oh, Smidge! I can't believe that you're here!

Smidge: Yeah, Smidge is here again, Bro. And I haven't seen you, since the holiday gift swap event.

Poppy: Yeah, I can see why. And guess what...

Branch: ...Poppy and I...

Broppy: Are married now!

Smidge: (Surprised) Whoa! You mean, you two got hitch! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!! Congratulations, you two!!

Branch: Yeah, and for that...

Broppy: ...we are the official King and Queen of the Pop Trolls, Now!

Smidge: Whoa! It's just getting better than this.
So how did you get married?

Poppy: Well it's a long story. Much more than the world tour adventure, that we had. And I'll explain later. Right now, let's talk about you. How you been, Smidge.

Smidge: Oh, I been in the village, lots of times. And even had a crush on Milton Moss. (Sigh) We gaze to our eye for two hours.

Branch: Yeah, kinda like we do. When we were in love. And I th-

Then the announcer of Funk Trolls enter in.

Lowtone Jones: All right, you Pop Trolls, other trolls around the world. It's time to party up. For our annual, special, Hair Ball Party Central Committee!

As all the trolls enter in, as they ready to party on tonight.

Lowtone Jones: First off, the funk trolls. Which are us. Will let you sing the soul style.

Then the Broppy begins to join in. As the romantic king and queen look at each other, and notice every little thing is gonna be all.

Poppy: So huh, Branch. Would you like to dance?

So Branch does a dance pose for Poppy and said..

Branch: Let's dance.

So all the trolls dance at the ball with as the Funk Trolls singing their song.

Funk Trolls:
♪ First, it was all love (At first, it was all love)
Hands up, super star love (Stars up)
That you can have it, you can have it all, love
(And you can get it how you want)
But then you took it, took it all, love
(They took it all)
All, love
Turn it up louder (Turn the music up louder)
Sing along, get the crowd up
(Get the crowd up, come on)
But then you took it all, love (Took it all, love)
Then forgot all about us (Oh), but it's all love ♪

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