Parents and Son

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I chose not to spend the night in your chamber, despite your many pleas. I felt uncomfortable enough just being alone in a room with you, with no witnesses to confirm that nothing improper took place. However, I would not change anything that happened. Our conversation, though difficult, was enlightening. Now, I am fully and absolutely certain that you must come with us and that I must make you my wife. We shall have a happy life together. I promise never to force you into anything you do not wish to do. I also promise my silence; your secrets are safe with me, as they have now become my own.

If you do not recall, I suggested we fly to Dragonstone so you might have a pleasant time. Now, I see we may not be permitted, for I said it in the heat of the moment, without much thought. Even so, I promise to grant you and your boy the right to farewell after so many years.

With love,


Aegon found this letter beside him in the bed. He rarely received letters, except from Daeron, when his younger brother remembered his existence - Aegon could not blame him, for he himself rarely recalled he had any brother beyond Aemond. As he read, fragments of the previous night returned to him, fragments his still-sleepy mind had forgotten. He felt ashamed, naturally. It is never easy to reveal one's deepest vulnerabilities, no matter to whom. He also questioned himself of how Jace wrote that letter.

He rose and saw it was already late, as his breakfast was not on his table but rather a bowl of soup. This was not unusual; Aegon often did not wake in the morning, more commonly waking in the afternoon. Elio seldom woke him early, unlike other servants, preferring to let Aegon sleep. In the meantime, he would tidy the room, always finding something to clean, as the prince was quite messy. During his free moments, Elio would simply sit and gaze at the room that could never truly be his.

The soup looked watery, with vegetables floating in it, and the smell was unappealing. Aegon had no intention of eating it. He sat on his bed, contemplating Jacaerys' letter and the way he had bared his soul.

Speaking of Baelor would never be easy for him, and now someone other than his former servants, his parents, and Mellos knew of it.

Those servants had been killed to ensure the secret would never spread.

Everything from that time was dark. Remembering his first heat was like reliving a waking nightmare. At times, Aegon could still hear his voice, could see him in the darkness, as if he were about to attack again. Aegon still felt his calloused hands on his body, still felt the weight of him, the pain of him inside, tearing him apart. That was the feeling. Before he was consumed by the fever of his heat, Aegon had to endure the wrath of an alpha twice his size, twice his age, and twice as vile. He had not been a virgin at the time, yet even so, it felt as though something had been stolen from him. His freedom, his choice, his dignity, but above all, his hope. After fleeing that dusty house to which he had been taken against his will, he never again looked to the future with hope.

On that day, when the first guard laid eyes on Aegon, with his violet eyes and hair so pale that his lineage was unmistakable, walking through the streets wearing only a large blanket to cover himself, he took him immediately to the Queen.

Alicent did not question him. All she said was, 'You are no son of mine,' and nothing more. Her expression showed some sadness, but her actions were far from kind. The lack of purity seemed to weigh more heavily than the fact that her son was utterly bruised and wore the most horrified expression the world had ever seen. He called her "mommy" and pleaded silently for comfort, but all Alicent did was summon maids to bring him clothes and a cloak to cover the sins of her eldest child. Then she sent him straight to Mellos. The Queen did not speak to Aegon for months, until the moment her grandchild both died and was born.

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