Chapter Thirteen

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The forest had always been a place of dark secrets and hidden dangers, but today it seemed more ominous than ever. The thick, oppressive canopy blocked out much of the sunlight, creating a twilight world where shadows danced with every movement. The girl's vision was clouded, both from the morning fog that seeped into the forest and the weakness from the poison that had begun to take hold.

Her body ached, and each step felt like a struggle against the encroaching darkness. She had ventured into this forest in a moment of desperation, escaping from enemies only to find herself ensnared by the toxic fog that lay like a shroud over the land. It was as if the forest itself conspired against her.

*Is this how it ends? Will the poison and the forest's perils be my undoing?* She had hoped for a different fate, but now she was alone and helpless.

As she sank to the ground, her strength waning, the sound of footsteps broke the silence. Through her dimming vision, she saw a figure approaching—a young man, his features marked by concern. He was a fresh target for her enchantments, his mind defenseless and open. She could hear his thoughts as if they were her own, a mix of annoyance and duty.

' I'm stuck with entering this deep into this goodness-forsaken place to find fruits and herbs, and he's there enjoying all of my own brother's company to himself.'

Yue Lan felt the petty jealousy burning through him and smiled. This would be easy. His mind was one of the most malleable she had encountered in her 181 years as a vampire. She decided to toy with him, savoring the potential of this new plaything.

With a subtle flicker of her power, she enchanted him, guiding his gaze toward her with a wave of her will. She smiled, her plan taking shape. He found her and came.

He knelt beside her, his hands warm against her cold skin. "Hey, are you alright? Can you hear me?"

She managed to lift her gaze, offering a weak smile despite barely being conscious. "Help... me..."

His presence was a lifeline, a glimmer of hope in her fading world. There was a strange pull towards him, a connection that felt both comforting and unsettling. She noticed he carried an antidote, and as he administered it, she felt a gradual easing of the poison's grip.

*It's just the morning fog poison. She's also badly injured, but this is the best I can do,* his thoughts echoed in her mind.

*He's saving me, even though I look like a wretched mess. There's something different about him. I'm liking him even more,* she mused, her fascination growing.

As the antidote took effect, she felt a surge of vitality returning. She looked up at him, her gratitude mingled with intense curiosity. His eyes, though filled with concern, seemed to hold an underlying strength. She sensed he was more than a simple traveler, someone of significance.

He helped her to her feet, his touch gentle yet firm. "What are you doing here? This forest is not safe."

The question was valid, and she struggled to find an answer that would not reveal too much. "I was lost... I didn't mean to come here. The fog... it caught me."

She once again invaded his mind, weaving a narrative that fit her needs, she made him believe her.

*It would be insulting to explain myself to this little boy.* she thought.

He nodded in understanding and led her away from the forest's dangers. As they approached a cottage, her curiosity about their meeting deepened. The village's isolation and his father's home were supposed to be safe havens, yet here she was, drawn to this place and this person.

*Why am I so drawn to him? There's an undeniable charm in his presence,* Yue Lan mused. She felt that their encounter had a deeper significance, and if it didn't, she would make it so.

When they arrived at the cottage, his father's wary gaze met hers. The old man's suspicion was palpable, but her savior quickly explained her condition, calming his concerns. Yue Lan observed their interaction, feeling an unexpected sense of belonging despite the strange circumstances.

The night passed, and as dawn approached, she sensed a shift within her. The antidote had not only healed her physically but had also awakened something deep within—a hunger, a power she had fought to control. The ancient forces within her stirred, compelling her to reveal her true self.

*The time has come. I must show him who I truly am and what I can offer. I can also feed on him; I don't have much time left before I die.*

As morning light filtered through the windows, Yue Lan approached him with a sense of urgency. Her form shimmered with a faint glow, the vampiric essence awakening within her. The transformation was exhilarating yet frightening.

"I need to tell you something," she said, her voice carrying an almost hypnotic quality. "What I'm about to reveal is dangerous. It will change you forever, and I don't have much time left. I'm gravely injured and can only postpone my end for at least ten months."

She reached out to touch his hand. As her energy connected with his, she felt a surge of power coursing through her. His reaction was a mix of confusion and awe, and she knew her presence had a profound effect on him.

She revealed her true form, the vampiric essence fully manifesting. His eyes widened in a mix of fear and fascination. He immediately screamed, and she spoke with ancient authority.

"You have been chosen," she lied, her deceitful voice resonating with power. "Your lineage is tied to an ancient power. Embrace it, and you will be greater than you ever imagined."

His mind raced with the revelation, and Yue Lan could vividly see the internal conflict. She had initially wanted to wait for his own decision but, growing impatient, she invaded his mind again. The allure of power was strong, but fear was evident. She willed him to see the potential in embracing this dark gift.

*With this power, I can get all of my brother's attention back to myself,* she thought, intensifying her influence. She could feel his anger and jealousy, which she used to her advantage.

As the light of dawn continued to illuminate the world outside, Yue Lan watched Lei Ming struggle with his thoughts. Finally, he accepted the offer. His eyes were filled with determination, and she knew the transformation was about to begin.

Without hesitation, Yue Lan embraced him, pulling him close. Her fangs extended, and she bit into his neck. The warmth of his blood filled her senses, a mix of pleasure and power. As she drank, she began to pour knowledge into him—how to hide his powers, how to control his thirst, and the rigorous training he would undergo over the next ten months.

His body tensed, and he moaned in both pain and pleasure. Yue Lan's grip tightened as she transmitted the secrets of vampiric life—how to blend into the shadows, the art of blood control, and the path to mastering his newfound abilities. She knew that this transformation was not just about power but also about survival and adaptation.

As she finished, she withdrew, her eyes glowing with satisfaction. Lei Ming, now fully embraced by the vampiric legacy, looked up at her with a mix of awe and acceptance.

"Remember," Yue Lan said softly, her voice dripping with authority. "You must train hard, and you must keep our secret. The world will never understand the true power that lies within you."

He nodded, his gaze resolute. Yue Lan could sense the potential within him and smiled even more intently.

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