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Mithun hospital

Location outcast of Mumbai


Mithun factory  is a foreboding, abandoned hospital that looms over the surrounding woods like a specter. Its once-white facade has weathered to a dingy gray, and the windows are boarded up with rusty metal shutters. The entrance, a massive wooden door with iron hinges, appears to be slightly ajar, as if inviting unsuspecting victims to enter.


Mithun hospital was built in the 1985 as a tuberculosis hospital, but it was soon plagued by rumors of inhumane experiments, patient mistreatment, and mysterious disappearances. The hospital was shut down in the 1990s, but locals whisper that the atrocities continued in secret. Now, the decaying structure stands as a testament to the horrors that lurk within.

The air around Mithun hospital is heavy with malevolent energy. Shadows writhe across the walls like living darkness. The wind whispers eerie melodies through the broken windows, and the creaking of rusty hinges sounds like the whispers of the damned. An unsettling feeling of being watched pervades the area, as if unseen eyes are monitoring every move.


- A crumbling clock tower with a stopped clock, its hands frozen at 3:33 AM
- A decrepit chapel with a haunting stained-glass window depicting a raven perched on a skull
- A labyrinthine basement with narrow corridors and rooms filled with rusted medical equipment
- A hidden wing rumored to contain the remains of the hospital's most tragic victims


- Locals claim to have seen ghostly apparitions in the windows, beckoning passersby to enter
- Some say that on certain nights, the sound of screams and wailing can be heard echoing through the woods
- Others whisper that Mithun hospital is a nexus for dark energies, drawing in the living to fuel its malevolent forces

1. *Protagonist:*

    - Name: Maryam Fatima..
    - Age: 25
    - Background: Maryam is a curious and brave journalist who decides to investigate the abandoned Mithun hospital, seeking a big break in her career.

2. *Supporting Character:*

    - Name:  Kabir umer Farooq
    - Age: 27
    - Background: Kabir is a historian and expert on the paranormal who joins maryam on her investigation. He's well-versed in the dark history of Mithun hospital.

3. *Antagonist:*

    - Name: Varun kundra
    - Age: Unknown (appears to be in his 50s)
    - Background: varun is a mysterious figure who seems to be connected to the sinister forces within Mithun hospital. His true intentions are shrouded in mystery.
4. *Victim/Trauma Survivor:*

    - Name: Aliya Brynn
    - Age: 50
    - Background: Aliya is a former patient of Mithun  hospital who escaped the hospital decades ago. She's now a recluse, haunted by the memories of the atrocities she witnessed.
5. *Local Legend/Storyteller:*

    - Name: karan"kaka" Patel
    - Age: 60
    - Background: kaka is a wise, elderly local who shares tales of Mithun hospital dark past with Maryam. His stories may hold more truth than she initially suspects.


Maryam Fatima, a 25-year-old journalist, stood before the abandoned Mithun Hospital, her heart racing with anticipation. She had always been drawn to the supernatural and the sinister, and this hospital was rumored to be a hotbed of paranormal activity.

As she approached the entrance, Kabir Umer Farooq, a 27-year-old historian and paranormal expert, joined her. Together, they stepped into the decaying building, eager to uncover its secrets.

But they were not alone. Varun Kundra, a mysterious figure in his 50s with an unsettling presence, seemed to be lurking in the shadows, his true intentions unknown.

As they explored the hospital, they stumbled upon Aliya Brynn, a 50-year-old former patient who had escaped the hospital decades ago. Haunted by the memories of the atrocities she witnessed, Aliya's presence added a chilling layer to their investigation.

With each step, Maryam, Kabir, and Aliya delved deeper into the heart of Mithun Hospital, unraveling the dark secrets that lay within. But Varun's sinister forces closing in, they realized that some secrets were better left unspoken...

"Uncover the sinister secrets of Mithun Hospital in this chilling tale of mystery and horror. Join Maryam, a brave journalist, and Kabir, a paranormal expert, as they investigate the abandoned hospital's dark past. But as they delve deeper, they realize that some secrets are better left unspoken. Will they survive the evil forces that lurk in the shadows, or will they become the latest victims of Mithun Hospital's deadly legacy? Dive into this heart-pounding story to find out!"

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