Epilogue - Trouble Trouble, Quadruple Trouble

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"We're going to get in so much trouble..." Lucia whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Her blond hair had been pulled back in a pony tail, sporting a similar style that her mother, Reagan, used when she was her age. Her younger brother who was too young to have been involved in their scandal was still back home.

"Don't tell anyone and we won't," Piranha snapped over her shoulder as she closed the portal behind them all. Piranha had the striking red hair of her father and the strong, heavy horns of her mother. She was the unlucky soul to have gotten her father's deer tail while her twin sister got the long, beautiful dragon tail. It was a sore spot between the two of them.

Beside Piranha was Nyx, the other strong personality of their friend group. Nyx's parents were Angel Dust and Husker, and had the most interesting fur out of everyone. He was mostly black but it looked like someone had splashed white paint all over him. His wings were just as muddled but red and white. His ears were as straight as a stick and his personality a stick in the ass.

"You can always go home," he said, taking the portal gem from Piranha and putting it in his pocket. The two of them were a deadly pair together despite Piranha being twelve and him being ten. No one would've guessed from his personality that he was the youngest of the group.

"This way," Wren motioned, slipping away from the group and bounding through the forest like a deer. Wren was the younger—smaller—of the Hartfelt twins. She had the same pointy ears as Alastor but they were a little further down on her head and a tad darker thanks to her mother. Her horns were beginning to twist around the back of her head.

The group followed quickly after her, the red scaly tail moving like ocean waves. Everyone except Lucia had summoned a small ball of light to help them see their path. While no one dared to make fun of Lucia's lack of magic, it was still something she felt each time magic was used around her.

It made her feel small and weak. Just a defenseless Human.

They wandered the forest for a little longer, changing directions left and right and going in circles. Both Piranha and Nyx were growing increasingly annoyed as Wren searched for the entrance.

"We're going in circles!" Piranha barked first.

"I thought you said you knew where it was," Nyx added. He never made a mean comment at Wren unless Piranha was visibly annoyed with her sister. He had a scar on the underside of his jaw from where she had attacked him last time he made a comment like that.

"I do!" Wren yelled as she dove across them into another bramble. "I'm just...trying to find it."

"We only have so much time," Piranha reminded her.

"I know!" Wren smacked a branch out of her face. "But a forest changes, you know. Things get overgrown."

"Son of..." Piranha pinched the bridge of her nose. All of them were wearing dark, rough clothing to keep them hidden in the darkness should they need to run or hide. The gala their parents were attending would only last so long and their babysitter would likely get out of their trap soon. They all know that the first pair of parents to be told was the Hartfelts.

"Found it! I found it!"

Everyone hustled over as Wren pried open a metal door of some kind, groaning loudly as she did. Black abyss yawned before them.

There was a moment of silence as old, stale air rushed to the surface. Everyone waited. Were they expecting a monster to come crawling out of it? It wasn't like anything could survive down there.

"Let's go." Piranha was the first to take the uneven, lopsided stairs. She sent her ball of light ahead of her to light the way and clean up any bugs or spiders. Wren was the last to enter so she could pull the door—latch?—shut.

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