Chapter 6

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The weeks passed, uninterrupted of any more phenomenal events. Eoin kept busy with his clients that made their way to Seonaid's house. He travelled into town with Fearchar to remedy a few of the old women who had taken to their beds with complaints of arthritis and winter cough.

He ran into Lady Daleroch once while walking through the frost-covered winter market and asked after Conner. Her son was improving remarkably, as she stated and was excited to once again invite the doctor to her end of the year event in a day's time. Eoin was sure to press that Fearchar and Seonaid be there to help translate for him. She had agreed most amiably, thrilled with her festivities. The woman let on that the whole of the Daleroch's family was to be there, which was proving much easier now that the children were grown.

Eoin told her that he would send his gifts ahead of his arrival: three bottles of port that he had seen fit to bring from Spain for a special occasion. He wanted to share them with the whole of the Daleroch clan to celebrate the good health of the future clan head. She was practically bursting with pride, preening under his offer. She would have to pull out her good cups for such an offer; she smiled, thrilled. She left them in the market, hurrying off in the direction of her house.

He turned from her and made his way back through the market to Brodie Brown's house - the closest person the town had to a mail distributor. Eoin had Fearchar ask after Brodie's son, Robert, who he wished to have run up to Seonaid's house and fetch the port to be taken to the Daleroch's estate. He paid the lad a silver and copper to hurry and sent a note with him to let Seonaid know where to find the bottles.

They then continued through the town, checking in on the sick and the weak to distract themselves. The doctor distributed medicines as he saw necessary and left instructions with caretakers. He needed for the town to continue recognizing his authority in the matters of health and medicine if his plan for the Dalerochs was to take off and give Robert time to deliver the port.

The evening before Hogmanay in Seonaid and Fearchar's house dragged on. He went back and checked his parchments multiple times. He fiddled with his stores, dragging out his scales to weigh dried goods and crystallized powders. He couldn't keep his nerves from showing. He was still torn about Widow Magaidh. With luck, he would make it up to the churchyard to bid her farewell before he left the isle. His thoughts ricocheted in his skull, bringing up old memories, old conversations.

Fearchar and Seonaid shared their evening meal together before pulling out their suitable clothing. She had forgone her usual clientele that day to iron their garments, excited about the prospect of some festivities. Fearchar whittled away at a little bird statue, smiling at her merriment. They stayed up late into the night, Eoin toiling away at his bench while Fearchar and Seonaid reminisced about the parties with friends they had joined with seasons past.

Even with little sleep, Eoin woke to the brilliant sunrise the following day. It sparkled on the snow and made the bitter cold bright and soul-wrenching in its beauty. Smudges of pink and orange clung to the hills at the sun's crowning. Stairs to heaven, he mused. He took a warm cup of ale from the hearth and reclined in the chair that looked out through the one window in the croft. His day had come. He breathed through the rapid beat of his heart, trying to settle it. Today would be quiet for Seonaid. Most of the town was gathered with family for festivities.

He downed the cup as he heard rustling in the next room. With ease, he pulled the mask back down and snugged it close. He wasn't about to be recognised. He rubbed the cup out with the fine sand they kept in a basket next to the hearth and dried it out with a cloth before setting it back on the little shelf they kept their cups on. He eased back to his bench, recognizing Seonaid and Fearchar's morning routine, knowing he had a few more minutes to himself before they would come out.

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