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So... vamplor! Yay!

So I'm gonna try writing again but first a few things about the book; updates won't be often, I'm a bit busy and don't have much motivation. I also don't have a developed plot, but these won't be one shots. I haven't written in a while so this might be bad, I also can't decide what perspective to do it in. There will probably be smut, fear play, death (a lot), abuse, blood (a lot) and probably some other trigger warnings I'll add. However I'll add them as they come up and put warnings in each chapter.

Okay so more about the lore and story building! I haven't thought too much about the world building but some things to note:
- that it's set in the present,
- for the sake of plot Taylor is a known lesbian and most of her relationships didn't last long,
- vampires do exist (it's a vamplor story duh) but they are not common, and most try and hide it, and a lot of the public is unaware vampires are real, the only people who know
- Taylor is a vampire are Tree (her publicist), Jack antonoff and a few other close friends.

I also haven't thought much about how vampires work here but...
- they can eat garlic and stuff the only thing that really bothers them is holy water
- They can't turn into bats
- Their fangs are retractable so they can hide them
- They can obviously go in the sun
- Vampire spit can help heal bites if they are licked
- Vampire venom??? Uhm still don't know about this but it'll probably act like a sedative a little bit and travels through blood once a victim has been bitten

And last but not least, all hate comments will be deleted.

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