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[Author:: I can't believe this is the end of the book. ISTG I didn't think I would finish it]

After weeks of gaming and hanging out, summer break was finally winding down. I couldn't believe it was almost time to hit the books again. But for now, we had one last weekend to make the most of.

"Soonyoung, what's the plan for today?" I asked as I lounged on my bed, scrolling through my phone.

He looked thoughtful for a second, tapping his chin. "How about we throw a mini party? Like a farewell to summer before we all get swallowed by school again?"

Seungkwan burst in (he and seok were in my house too fyi) practically bouncing with excitement. "A party? Count me in! We can get snacks, play games, and-"

"And you can try not to embarrass yourself this time," I interrupted, smirking.

"Rude!" Seungkwan shot back, but his smile was infectious.

Seokmin appeared next, looking totally chill as he plopped onto the floor. "Did someone say snacks? You know I'm always down for food."

Soonyoung started making a list on his phone. "Okay, we need chips, soda, cookies... basically everything that's not healthy."

I laughed. "Sounds about right. Let's also invite Minjeong. I think she deserves a break after her week of chores."

"Totally!" Seungkwan agreed. "I'll text her."

As Seungkwan shot off a message, Soonyoung and I began planning the rest of the party. It felt good to finally have something fun to look forward to.

A couple of hours later, we had transformed my room into a mini party zone. Balloons were floating around (thanks to Seokmin, who insisted on decorating), and we had a mountain of snacks piled high on my desk.

The doorbell rang, and Soonyoung sprinted downstairs to answer it. A few moments later, he came back, Minjeong trailing behind him, a smile on her face.

"Surprise!" we all shouted, throwing our hands up like we were in a cheesy movie.

Minjeong laughed. "You guys are so ridiculous! But I love it." She looked around, taking in the colorful decorations. "This is so cute!"

"Only the best for our queen," Seungkwan said, pretending to bow. "Your throne awaits."

"Stop it!" Minjeong laughed, swatting him lightly. "You guys are too much."

As the afternoon rolled into evening, we played games, joked around, and ate our weight in snacks. Soonyoung was in the zone, making us all laugh with his silly character moves in Roblox. Seungkwan, of course, was being his usual dramatic self, acting like every game loss was a personal attack.

After a while, Seokmin pulled out his phone and played some music. "Okay, guys, let's crank it up! Summer isn't over yet!"

Everyone started dancing around, even if it was just in our seats. The energy in the room was electric. I caught Soonyoung's eye across the room, and for a moment, it felt like we were the only two people there. It was wild, chaotic, and perfect.

Minjeong suddenly suggested we play truth or dare, and the whole room erupted with excitement. "Oh boy, this is gonna get interesting," I muttered, feeling a mix of nerves and thrill.

The first round started, and it was Seungkwan's turn. "Truth or dare?" he asked me, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Dare, obviously!" I said, trying to sound brave.

"I dare you to text your crush that you think they're cute," he announced, barely containing his laughter.

I felt my cheeks heat up, but I wasn't going to back down. "Fine!" I grabbed my phone, ready to hit send. I typed out the message and pressed send before I could overthink it.

Everyone gasped, then burst into laughter. "Who's your crush?!" Minjeong asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Not telling!" I shot back, trying to play it cool.

After a few more rounds of laughter, dares, and embarrassing truths (like when Seokmin revealed he once tried to learn ballet), we moved on to something even crazier-karaoke.

Soonyoung volunteered first, jumping up and grabbing the nearest microphone. "Watch out, everyone! I'm about to bless your ears!" He belted out the worst rendition of some popular song, and we all joined in, laughing our heads off. It was a mess, but it was our mess.

After a while, it was Minjeong's turn. "Okay, I'm going to show you all how it's done!" She sang with so much passion that we all just stood there in awe.

When it was my turn, I was slightly nervous but decided to go for it. "Alright, here goes nothing!" I started singing, and the room was filled with cheers and laughter, giving me the courage to keep going.

As the night went on, we played more games, shared stories, and took ridiculous selfies. The atmosphere was filled with joy, and for a moment, I forgot all about school starting up again.

Eventually, Soonyoung suggested we take a break and head out to the backyard. "Let's chill outside for a bit. I need some fresh air."

We all agreed, and as we stepped out into the cool night, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The stars twinkled above, and it felt like we were in our own little world, away from the chaos of life.

"Soonyoung," I said, leaning against the fence, "I'm really glad we did this. It's been a while since I've felt this... happy."

He smiled, looking up at the sky. "Same here. This summer was something special, huh?"

I nodded, remembering all the memories we'd made. "I can't believe it's almost over, but this was the perfect way to end it."

Just then, Jeonghan joined us, having been busy keeping an eye on the snacks. "You guys are way too sappy out here," he teased, grinning. "Let's get back inside before Seungkwan eats all the chips."

Minjeong laughed. "Good call! We can't let that happen."

As we headed back inside, I felt a bittersweet feeling wash over me. I loved these guys so much, and as much as I dreaded school starting again, I knew we'd always have each other, no matter what.

That night, as I lay in bed thinking about the summer and all the crazy moments, I couldn't help but smile. No matter how much life threw at us, we'd always have our laughter, our gaming, and these unforgettable memories.

And honestly, what more could I ask for?


[ Author:: wah fr guys , I didn't think this weird idea could end this way....but I would like to thank all those who read this to the last word >< Like THANK YALL ! ]


[ Author :: I think I will write a epolge? Idk but stay tuned!]

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