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I walk into the Masquerade ball wearing a long green dress with thick straps that hang down my shoulders. The room was full with people and tables full of food. I put the black lace mask over my eyes as I grab a chocolate covered strawberry and bite into it. I could hear in a distant room two voices that sound familiar. I follow the sound to a room with a single chair and a fireplace. Sitting in the chair was the one and only Katherine Pierce. I lean against the doorway, knowing they can't see me. Infront of Katherine were the two voices that were familiar. Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore. The brother who was there for me and is my best friend. And the brother who ruined me. Katherine smirks at the two handsome brothers. She looks to Damon. "The brother who loved me to much," she says and looks to Stefan, "And the one who didn't love me enough."
"And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself." I finish.
Before they have time to look and see who it is, I race away.

This is my story. The first time I tried to tell it, I replaced the bad things with good and the sad things with joy. I was miserable. So, here it is. In every word of truth, I failed as a human being. When Damon told me he was a vampire, I rejected it. I tried to run away from my problems when the whole time they were where I was running. But when I tried to apologize to him he turned me and I was forever the thing I rejected. He was angry. And I get it. But then things started to change. He told me things that I thought were impossible for a vampire. I still don't get it though. He turned me out of anger and then helped me become one of the better vampires out there. Like his brother, Stefan. He told me that I could die just from pain easily. That just a few bullets to my chest could kill me. It was hard for me to take. Here I was, a new vampire, trying to get it all straight about what I was, and then he just put hundreds and hundreds of pounds on my shoulders again. So I ran away again. Like I always do when something goes wrong.

My name is Amber Fell.
I was turned by Damon Salvatore in 1922 and was born 1905. I'm supposed to be around 105 but continue to forever look like I'm 18. This is my story. Our story. Me and Damon's story.

I walk into the Salvatore Boarding house and over to the table that has a big selection of bourbon. I select my favorite and pour myself a glass. I give myself a tour of the new looking mansion before I make my way to Damon's bedroom/office area. I look through the drawers to find various letters from different people, not one of them from Damon. But then I reach the bottom of the drawer to find a letter. The envelope reads a name I'd never thought I'd read coming from Damon. It read Amber Fell. I take the letter and open it. I take the folded piece of vanilla colored paper and unfold it. I see the words 'Dear Amber,' on the top of the page and, immediately, tears come to my eyes unexpectedly.
I read the letter silently in my head.
'Dear Amber,
I am a coward.
I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter but, I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems then your going to help make me the best man that I can possibly be. The same way you always do.
Amber Fell, you are an amazing women. A mediocre crossword puzzle player, and my best friend.
With great love and respect,
Tears stream down my cheeks and on to my chest. I decided that there was only one thing I could do. Write back. I grabbed a piece of vanilla colored paper, a pen, and sat down.
'Dear Damon,
I told myself that I would never get my heart broken again. So, in reality, I am the coward. I ran away from you instead of trying to help. Stefan may have taught me how to love again. But you taught me that love comes from people who would kill for you. Not from people who would die for you. I've learned that Stefan wants to live as long as possible. He wants to live a long quiet life somewhere with a wife and kids. He wants to live a normal life. But you, you would torture and then kill any bastard who lays a hand on a person you love. And, for a while, that person was me. But then I ran away. And I'm sorry.
I loved you, Damon. But now, after what you did to me, I hate you. And I'll never forgive you for making me into the one thing I never wanted to be. I came back to Mystic Falls to find a quiet life. So me writing this letter is going against all of what I feel but I have to. I have to let my feelings out instead of bottling them up inside. So, Damon, if your reading this, I need you to know that I loved you so much, but you ruined me. I'm leaving tonight and not coming back. Ever.
Best wishes,
I folded the letter up and put it in the envelope. I seal the envelope, write 'Damon' in cursive on the front, and leave it on his desk. I walk to the door, turn around, and look at all the things that look so familiar. The lamp, the clock, the old globe Damom kept on a high dresser. Tears fill my eyes as I remember the times Damon and I spent together talking, laughing.
A tear falls on my dress and I race out of the house. I reach the walkway from the house to the parking lot when a tall frame stops me from going any further. I look up to see a handsome, familiar face with black hair and a suit on. "D-damon."

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