11 1 1

Chan: Alright, guys, today's mission is simple. We're going to clean the dorm. Everyone has a task!

Minho: [raises hand] I volunteer to supervise.

Chan: That's not a task.

Minho: Have you ever seen how messy the place gets when you let Hyunjin and Jisung handle cleaning? Trust me, supervision is a full-time job.

Hyunjin: [offended] Hey! I'm perfectly capable of cleaning.

Jisung: Hyunjin, the last time you "cleaned," you reorganized the pillows on the couch and called it a day.

Hyunjin: Well, it looked cleaner!

Changbin: [rolling eyes] Can we just get this over with? I have important business to attend to.

Felix: By "important business," do you mean going to the gym again?

Changbin: It's called "self-improvement," Felix. You wouldn't understand.

Felix: [pouting] I bake to improve my soul!

Seungmin: [dryly] And your cookies improve our chances of getting food poisoning.

Felix: [gasping dramatically] How dare you!

Jeongin: [popping out of nowhere] I'll handle the trash!

Chan: [surprised] That's the spirit, Jeongin!

Jeongin: [grins] I'm taking Hyunjin with me.

Hyunjin: Why am I the trash in this situation?!

Chan: [sighs deeply] Alright, alright. Everyone just stick to your tasks. Let's try to finish this before lunch.

Minho: Fine, but if I see one of you slacking, I'm sending you to clean the bathroom.

Jisung: [panicking] Wait, who's cleaning the bathroom?

Chan: [pauses, looking around] ...Hyunjin.

Hyunjin: [groaning] I knew it.

Seungmin: [smirking] Don't forget to reorganize the toilet paper. You're good at that, right?

Felix: [laughing] Do it in rainbow order!

Hyunjin: [dramatically flopping onto the couch] You all hate me!

Chan: [clapping his hands] Let's focus, people! We can do this!

Changbin: [muttering] Not before lunch though, right?

Jeongin: Lunch is the real priority here.

Chan: [sighs in leader] Why do I even try...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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