Chapter 2: figuring things out.

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You didn't know how long you had been asleep for, but considering how stiff and sore your neck was it must have been for a good few hours. (Sleeping on the hard, cold ground of a cave is not a fun time.) When you woke up you had hoped that you would find out it was all just some kind of wild dream and you could go about your day as usual quickly forgetting about it. Seeing that weird creature, getting lost in the woods, running away from those other much bigger creatures you saw yesterday. It was all too much to process.

And now you didn't have a single clue on how to get back home. You hadn't seen any man made things except for the mechanical creatures. But that was still up for debate whether they were made by people or not. Nor have you seen a single other human. The best thing you could do right now was to search around and try to survive long enough for someone to find you.

You have been gone long enough for your people to start to worry about your well being. They probably called the police by now and had a search team out looking for you in the forest.

That's what you hoped at least.

It seemed to be early morning now and the sun would be rising in about an hour or two. You saw this as your opportunity to adventure under the cover of night and try to find something
to eat or at least drink. Your stomach was completely empty of anything to feast upon and had begun to ache the second you woke up.

Slowly and cautiously you crawl back out of the cave watching around you for anything that could be waiting to jump on you. You stayed glued to the darkest shadows, avoided any open areas, and strained your ears so much you could hear them begging to ring.

You know you were being a bit paranoid but you didn't know what else to do. You ever had to try and survive in an environment like this; it was so new and foreign. The only knowledge you had on how to live in the wild was from TV shows or youtube videos.

God if one of those yellow things sees you again you're pretty sure you were gonna pee yourself or maybe even drop dead because of a heart attack. Who knows?

After sneaking around for a while you heard something. Freezing in place it took you a few moments to realize that it was just the sound of flowing water. Once you realize this you notice how dry your mouth was and how your throat was starting to feel like sandpaper. All that walking and running you did yesterday had taken quite the toll on you.

While still being wary of your surroundings you started to move your way to the water that you could hear. You had to slip though some prickly bushes but it was all worth it when you saw that crystal clear water in front of you.

You almost ran to the small river neary forgetting about having to be careful and quiet. You just couldn't help yourself, you were just so relieved. Dunking your head under the surface you leaped the cool water up like an overheated dog.

You had to come back up for air soon but felt so full of life again as your mind cleared itself. You stayed by the river for a bit sitting and taking small drinks from it every now and then before your stomach started to make its presence known again.

Standing up from the river you started to walk up by it. You figured that if you wanted to find something to eat like some fruits you should stay by the water. If there were any berries to be found that is.

Every time you pass by a bush or tree you would closely inspect it for anything to eat in the little light available before moving on to the next. It didn't take long until you found something. On some bushes were some fruits or at least what you think were fruits. They were in a kind of oval shape, small and a dark indigo color, probably blueberries.

Unlike with the water you took your time looking over these berries. They could be poisonous or unripe; you didn't need food poisoning on top of everything else. They looked fine to you and when you took a tiny taste they tasted like any other blueberry you had before. Finally after eating a whole one and seeing that you didn't spontaneously combust you deemed them safe.

You picked and ate the berries by handful as well as filling your pockets up to a point where they were almost bursting at the seams. You probably had blueberry juice all over your face but you didn't care. You could always wash yourself in the water.

Once you found the blueberries you started to discover more fruits around like strawberries and some small tart apples. You couldn't believe your luck finding so many things to gorge yourself on.

But that luck almost took a turn for the worst.

When reaching out for a strawberry on a different bush your eyes caught a familiar gillmer of metal in front of you. You stop, feeling your skin start to crawl and your pulse beating loudly through your ears as you stare in front of you.

A few feet in front of you was another one of those mechanical monsters. Though this one looked a lot different from the three horned ones you had seen before. Instead of being bight yellow it was a emerald green and had a similar build to a stegosaurus with diamond shaped spiks lining its back. Now that you think about it, all of the creatures you had come across resembled different animals, specifically dinosaurs.

Immediately you thought of running for the hill before you notice that this one had its eyes closed and wasn't moving a muscle (or was it piston in this case?). At first you thought it was dead or their equivalent of dead but a soft, whiny whistling sound coming from it said otherwise. And now that you looked closer you saw that it was moving, just very subtly and in a rhythmic pattern.

Confused, you continued to observe it out of curiosity, the gears in your head spinning quickly trying to understand this. Was it sleeping? Why would a machine need to sleep? They run on batteries or solar energy, not sleep. They weren't organic like animals or humans.

Maybe this could be some kind of power down or shut off mode they went into to save energy? Thought that won't explain why it was moving or even breathing. When something was shut off it shuts off completely, moving around and stimulating breathing would just be an unnecessary waste of power. Unless that's what you wanted.

As you continue to stare you got quite the slap back to reality once the green giant grunted in its "sleep" and you remembered where you were. You slowly left the creature to continue its snoozing before it woke up or something else came along. Taking one more drink from the river you retreated back to the cave you had been hiding just as the sun began to rise. For the rest of that day you stayed hidden only coming out when it was one hundred percent safe.

And this is what you began to do over the next few days. Whenever it was clear outside you would adventure out and get things like food and water while keeping an eye out for people. You avoided the machines roaming the land like the black plague and only watched them from afar or up in trees you would climb.

Night time became your preferred time to come out at and it was the time you had your guard down the most. But little did you know that you were sharing this time of day with something very dangerous. A lot of dangerous things actually.

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