Out Of The Storm

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The sound of a loud boom interrupted my thoughts, why was I here and not at home sipping on my peach margarita and binge watching Twilight I would never know. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart trusted me so much with watching the house while they were gone that they even offered to pay me twice as much for the weekend. That's how long they would be gone on a trip to Italy and that's how long I'd be in this big ass manor losing my fucking mind. I could call over a friend but with two of them in college and one having to babysit her own kid I was out of luck, plus the raging storm going on outside.
I turned on the tv excited to catch up on one of my favorite cooking shows, the Stewart's have streaming apps and lucky for me that meant I could watch about anything. As I was about to start the show my phone vibrated aggressively, must be an amber alert. I reached to check it out but it was a weather alert, we were in a hurricane. Why the hell were we being told about a hurricane so late?
Just then I got a text from Mr. Stewart.

'Hey Clem, we were alerted on our app about the hurricane thank you for watching the house please make sure to take in my wife's flower pots she will throw a fit if they are not saved 'lol' as you younger ones say, anyway we'll pay you double thanks good

I sigh, did they not know it was already pouring down like crazy? If I didn't love being a maid for the Stewart's as a way to pay my tuition I would have already been at home. I better grab her stupid plants. I put on my jacket and rain boots and swing open the front door, I'm met with a violent force of wind that even my fit toned body couldn't handle. Fuck these flowers, but I love college, fuck me. I march outside onto the patio fighting against the wind. The shit I do for photography classes. I grab the first plant and rush back inside, cold, dripping wet and looking like a frantic kitty who just got the bath of their life. Okay, one plant down four fucking more to go and as I'm about to rush outside head down, I bump into something. I look up ready to curse at whatever inanimate object found its way to the porch but a deep smooth apology comes from in front of me. I look up and catch the first thing I'd see on this..hairy, tall and very attractive man. His big fucking dick. A pervert? A dirty man takes the hurricane as his chance to be a molester?

"What the ever loving fuck?" Was what I could come up with. "I'm sorry, I was out in the storm, catching food for dinner, may I come in, I'm wet and cold, I'm not a monster I promise, just seeking asylum." He mutters so soft it almost sends my pussy into a fit. Not that I like taking in strays or homeless people but there is something different about him, I felt like he needed me and if I didn't do anything right now something really terrible would happen to him.
I backed away and finally took all of him in. He had scars, his nipples were pierced and his long brown hair was wet and matted. He was holding the rest of the pots on his muscular arms. I reach out and grab two of them. "In." I managed to say. Stupid fuck. Say something else like 'get the fuck out of here you perverted weirdo or I'll call the cops' but I was the pervert and I don't think I cared about this stranger having his whole dick out in a house that wasn't even mine. I walk towards the dining area sitting the two pots down next to the first. He followed me and as I watched him, I noticed he had a birth mark on his inner thigh as he bent down. He swiftly turned to me and we stared at each other for a bit. "Door." He mutters. "Oh uh right." I turn and run to the door shutting and locking it. The floor was already covered with leaves and sticks that the storm swept inside.

"Let me get you something to put on. Stay here." I race up the stairs and into the Stewart's bedroom. C'mon Clem what is wrong with you this isn't your house, this isn't your clothes. I don't care he's so sexy and he's got a huge dick. I need him to be here. I grab a robe from the hanger and turn. I jumped from seeing the man who had apparently been standing at the door. "I told you to stay-" I started but he moved close. "I am not a dog, It is strange you trust me enough to let me in on a full moon during the storm." He reached his arm out for the robe. I blinked confused by his words but handed him the robe. "Yeah I don't know, I just felt like I know you, I mean or like I had to...I don't know. Anyway my name is Clementine, and yours?" I said hoping to distract him from pouncing on me if that was his plan. "I am Ansem." He says. I laugh. "More like handsome." He turns around quickly after putting on his robe. "Clementine I'm sorry, I should go." He said. As he begins to walk away my feet move on their own and next thing I know I'm grabbing at Ansem's big shoulders. My pussy begins to throb. My breathing is heavy. "Wait, I don't know how to say this but, I feel like we've met before, have we? I mean you feel so familiar, can't you just stay for a bit longer? It's storming and cold out there, and I'm...scared to uh be alone in this." I just start uttering bullshit and for a moment I see Ansem's lip curl up but it instantly goes down.
"Clementine I can't, if I stay I'll...hurt you." He says roughly.
"Hurt me? Why? How? I mean you wouldn't do it on purpose right?" I ask. This is where I thought he'd tell me he was a serial killer and that he was going to choose me to be his next victim or that he was going to rob the Stewart's and I'd just be in the way and he'd have to hurt me. But he calmly sat on the edge of the bed and looked me in my eyes. "Clementine I'm not like other people, I have this darkness in me, it's not safe for me to be here tonight and I knew that but I needed to see you, make sure you were ok, Clementine I've been watching you at this manor for a short period of time and even then I knew who you were." He rakes his fingers through his hair. I bite my lip. "What are you on about Ansem?" I ask. Something in me told me to kick him out but my heart wanted him. "Clementine, I've been watching you because you're my mate." He said. I raise an eyebrow and laugh. "Okay Ansem." I scoffed.
He stands up and grabs my hands. "I left my pack for you, I'm a werewolf, Clementine, they don't want us to be together because you're human and me mating with a human on the full moon would mean I will never transform anymore, and if we don't mate I transform and stay like that...forever, they urged me to mate with someone in the town but that's not how it works, I want you, fuck I need you." Ansem says, the last part is almost moaning out a cry. I gulp. "Ansem...this sounds crazy but is that why I feel like I need you?" I ask. Don't do this Clem don't fall for his crazy psychiatric patient bull. But hey I wasn't much of a sane person myself.
"Ansem, what if I said I needed you too." I say. He smiles. "I can tell, Clementine, you're in heat and it's making me want to rip your clothes off and have you all to myself." Ansem brushes my hair out my face and as if those words he spoke were a magic spell I felt him harden against my leg. Shit I began to feel so hot. "Ansem, take this off." I grab at the robe pleading. "Say you need me again Clementine, please." He says. He let's go of me and begins to untie the rob. "I need you, Ansem, I need yo so bad." I moan out. Ansem throws the robe off and in a blink of an eye I'm thrown onto the bed, his heavy body on top of mine. "Clementine I want to ravish you, may I?" He asks. I nod. "No," he says. "Say it, I want to hear it." He says. "Please ravish me Ansem, I want you to give me all of you." I mutter. Gosh I'm such a whore. Ansem takes my buttoned up shirt in his hand and rips it open throwing it to the side, my breast exposed to his hungry eyes. "You don't wear a bra Clementine?" He says. "Why? They're not big enough." I say. "You're right let's see if i can taste it whole." He says and with no warning he cups my right boob and suckles on my nipple. I moan, the pleasure covering me like a warm blanket. He stops and smiles. "Don't worry I didn't forget about you." He says to my left boob. He does the same to my left boob making me shudder under him. I reach out and grip his sides. Ansem done sucking my now perky nipples grips my skirt and pulls it down my legs and over the edge of the bed. He bends down breathing heavily against my underwear. He sticks his nose where my clit is and inhales deeply then licks around the shape of my clit. I moan and grab his hair. "Under them." I moan out. "What do you want me to do? Say it loud for me." Ansem teases. "Lick me bare Ansem, take these off and lick me harshly until I'm squirting." I beg. Ansem nods. "Good girl." He pulls my underwear off and throws them. I'm now fully naked with this man who I just met but it felt like I've known him for eternity and now he's about to eat me out. Ansem goes back down into my pussy and begins to lick and suck at me like a famished rabid animal. I couldn't contain the moans and screams as I gripped his hair and I swear I pulled some out. I could feel myself about to cum, an overwhelming feeling of pleasure sent my hips up, pushing him deeper into my pussy and with him gripping my hips to keep me from shaking uncontrollably I began to cum over Ansem's face. Ansem stayed there licking up some of my cum and when he moved his face I could see he was wet. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I could do that." I say. "It's not like I'm done with you Clementine save your sorry because I'm going to pound deep inside of you now and you'll be cumming a lot more than you just did now." He said.
Holy shit he's going to put all of that inside me. I gulp as he begins stroking himself, he spreads my legs open and I guide him inside of me, the way it opens my pussy up makes me gasp and soon he's filling me up and rubbing against my sides as he moves his hips at a soft gentle pace. I moan softly. Ansem smiles and leans into me and kisses me. "Ansem deeper, go deeper." I beg. Ansem obeys my wish and begins to pound his way deeper into me making me scream out his name, he's mine, he was meant to be mine, as I am his. My legs begin to shake as Ansem hits my hotspot over and over again. I call out his name as he fucks me faster, our sweat intermingling and my fingers clawing into his skin. As if mother nature approved of our dirty deed, the storm had calmed with our orgasms and we both lay on each other breathing heavily. Ansem holds me and I notice the full moon out the window. It was so beautiful and filled me with warmth as my mate held me in his arms and this moment was the safest I have ever felt in my life.

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