Fanfic Fight (marshmallowpix)

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Here is a fight scene from @marshmallowpix ! Thanks so much for writing this: we really enjoyed it!


There really is no point in announcing the two opponents' names for our sake. I already know that in 16.8 seconds the proctor will declare my own name, followed by the name of whom I'll be facing.

"Kuroki Cashile," the toothpick munching proctor denounces, clearly deceived by the speed it took me to get from point A-where i originally was- to point B-the surface which will soon be destroyed in the fight between me and... "Uh, Temari!"

Bearing a rather large fan, Temari appears in the arena. She comes towards me, soaking in all the attention from the ecstatic spectators. Her grin almost instantly dissipates the moment she lays her eyes on me.

"You're that girl I saw the other day in Konoha," the blondie spits.

I snort. "You'll have to be more specific."

Temari does a somewhat imperceptible eye roll. "Fine. You're the brat who tried to take out my squad before the exam in Konohagakure."

"Could you also add the relevance to this battle?" I toy with her. She's too easy. Snorefest.

Temari finally catches on, leaving me with the wonderful gift of her ignorance.

The proctor's voice slices into our silence. "Temari and Kuroki Cashile, begin!"

Temari jumps right in with her hand signs. "Wind Scythe Jutsu!" she calls, smoothly whipping out her fan and creating powerful gusts of wind that could take down forests upon forests of trees.

Luckily, I'm way ahead of her and am up in the sky. I perform a small flip for show, then land easily behind her. What she is looking at now is a clone. Baka.

My foot delivers a swift kick to the head. As expected, Temari disappears into a puff of smoke. I suppress a grin, as this is going very smoothly.

"I'm behind you, dumbass," she smirks as i duck and lunge for her feet. The lightly-stepped Sand Ninja leaps into the air, her hands portraying signal after signal until i am engulfed in torrents of wind. My body is flung up into the sky, I reach the peak of my uncontrolled flight, and begin to sail downwards. I'm. Falling. I angle my face downward so i can see where my landing location will be. Oh, shit. Temari's fan stands perpendicular to the solid ground, just waiting to drive into my back the same way it did to that girl on the Hyūga boy's team. Tenten, was it? I press my eyelids closed, just waiting for the impact. It arrives. I feel the intense snap in my spinal cord, sending impeccable amounts of pain throughout-

Just kidding.

My body is actually safely underneath this bitch, ready to pounce. I hear a muffled, "What the fuck?"

Chunks of earth go flying as I drill upwards at a nearly impossible-to-surpass speed. I propel myself up above ground level and impale the weapon into Temari's unguarded flesh. Shocked, she clutches her side in an attempt to stop the blood from spilling onto the ground. A thud echoes in the arena from her collapse.

"Seeing as Temari is unable to continue," the proctor states. "Kuroki Cashile is the winner!"

A smirk crawls onto my face. As I mentioned before, the ground really was destroyed in this boring match.

Kakashi greets me with an inquiring look in his eye. "How did you do it?"

Baka. You'd think a high-class Jounin like Kakashi Hatake would be smart enough to figure it out. But I tell him anyway. "You see, in the beginning of the match, I put everyone in a Genjutsu that made it look like I was standing there, doing nothing. When really, I was making two clones of yours truly, and digging myself underground in the approximate location where Temari would be standing if my clones did everything right. I was waiting for the second round of her confusion, and at that point I dug up and stabbed her. The End. It was kind of a bore, really. This chick couldn't even grasp the term 'challenge.'"

Kakashi rolls his eyes at my last comment.

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