Chapter 1

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I hated my job. I was supposed to be on duty now, but I was craving a pepsi, so I ran out to the vending machine at the gas station on the other side of the road. I worked in a cubicle, on 5th ave. My workspace was small and cramped. Considering how many monitors, computers, and keyboards I had. 

I worked for a small undercover company, called CIA. Okay, maybe it wasn't that small, but this branch of the unit was. It was called RMS, for Recruit Monitoring System. My job was to monitor the life of the spy's working for CIA. The catch, most of the spy's had no idea they were being watched. They company hacked into public, and not so public security cameras to watch what they were doing. I had been working with the company for 7 years now, and they had complete trust in me for the most part. I was 26 now, and the company had taken me in after I was arrested for hacking more than a hundred security cameras just to entertain myself. Yah, I have some bad habits. RMS quickly noticed my unique abilities, and started my training. I had turned out to be one of their most efficient workers.

The last three years had been the worst. I had been assigned Agent Ross, whom I had promptly fallen in love with. Her real name was Isra Smith, but everyone called her Agent Ross. No one knows where the name came from. I had to go to work each day, watch his love for hours, not being able to speak, touch, or express my feeling to her. But it was a job, and it payed the bills. Agent Ross had a piercing brown gaze, dirty blonde hair, and spoke with great authority. She was one of the top agents in the CIA and had only failed one mission of the ten years she had been there. 

She had been recruited when she was 15, her father had also been an agent, and he had trained her throughout her childhood for the life of a spy with out her even knowing it. She had a black belt in karate, had been scuba diving, parachuting, free falling, and almost any stunt you could think of. She always carried a Pair of knifes with her. They had a fairly large, narrow, curved blade made of steel and a grip wrapped in deep orange, smooth leather. Isra chose the weapon well because its sharp edge on one side this weapon is ideal for both cleaving enemies as well as blocking their attacks.

I cracked open the pepsi with a 'ssssssss', and took a long swig, savoring the feeling of the fizz sliding down my throat, before slowly walking back to my cubicle. I had no family, and my only friend lives several hours away. I plopped back down in my chair by my desk and stared blankly at the monitor. Dreaming about Isra.


I gasped for air. I was just waiting for the right moment, playing with my captors. I knew I could break free whenever I wanted. I was in the middle of a 'fun' water boarding session with RIC, Revenge Initiative Crew. They were trying to get information about the CIA out of me. As you could probably guess by the name, they were on a revenge mission. They almost always were. What they didn't know, is that I had been intentionally captured, and was about to turn my interrogation, in to an interrogation for the two men standing above me now. 

"What do we do now, she hasn't started talking yet." I heard a voice from above me. 

"We keep waiting. She has to talk sometime you know. Add some more water." I felt the towel on my head grow damper, as it became harder to breath. Those dumb guards. Probably rookies. Rowena doesn't bother with people she thought couldn't be trained. She probably recruited these to for their bronze, and hopefully not their brains. They probably thought I couldn't hear them. Well, lets show them wrong, I thought. They hadn't even bothered to strap me down, they obviously thought that since I didn't give much of a fight earlier, they had nothing to worry about. Ha. I tensed, preparing to jump up. 

I leaped and struck the first head I saw and knocked out the first man.I didn't need him. I wheeled to face the other, staring at me like I was a ghost. I took the chance and did a flying roundhouse kick to his face, breaking his nose, and bringing him down. I quickly bound him and picked him up, carrying him to the van waiting outside. Since this was just a simple safe house for HIVE, they didn't have much security. Much to my advantage. I threw him in the back and drove off, towards the CIA headquarters. 

It had been three hours since the 'interrogation', and I had gotten the captive to the base, and brought to a cell. I had met up with my superior, Mr. Blant, discussed the mission, And I was released from duty. I didn't do office work. I just worked in the field. I couldn't stand having a desk job. sitting down for all day, doing nothing but paperwork, I couldn't stand that. I changed out of my field suit, and got into skinny jeans, and V-neck, and a grey hoodie. I had to blend in with the crowd when I wasn't on duty. I walked along the side walk passing a bank. I drew back into my hood, dodging the security cameras. I always did that. I guess it was just habit. I walked to my apartment on 5th ave, and went to sleep. 


Having Isra so close to where I worked was so mind bending. I just wanted to say hi, let her know that I existed, and maybe go out for coffee. But 'interaction' with the agents you were assigned was strictly forbidden. But I couldn't take it anymore. You know what? Screw the rules. Before I knew it, my feet had carried me down the street to Isra's apartment, and against my will, I knocked on her door.


Hey guys, this is JadeArtist, I am going to try to do at least 1000 words per chapter, but I will probably break that rule. Hop you all like this, and start to read some of my other books. Love you all!

PS. Up top is a picture of Isra.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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