Chapter 1: A Surprise Visit and A Reminder

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Hey guys! I am SOOOO sorry for not updating faster but I had a bit of writer's block and let me just say, it sucks really bad. BUTTTT now I am here and I have the first chapter out! I have a few more ideas for the next few chapters but if you don't see updates out a lot just know that I am trying to come up with stuff... I also won't be able to update as much because school is starting soon and once it does, updates may be very slim ;^; Again, I am sorry guys but I hope you enjoy this chapter!----also note that I don't own the picture above..... so yeah... xD---- NOW ON WIT DA STORY!! :D


It's been over month living with the pastas now, and to be honest, I couldn't be happier. Throughout my stay I have met new pastas, but none of them live in the Slendermansion, but somewhere in another mansion together along with a lot of other pastas who I have yet to meet. I'll have to say that my new beginning is turning out great so far, I've made a lot of new friends and for once I don't feel like a pile of trash. Sure, I had a few ups and downs, and even throughout this month I got in a few fights with the pastas but we always manage to forgive each other. Some may ask what I do when I'm not killing and that answer is simple. I'm either outside in the forest, in my room, hanging out with the pastas, or just sitting in the living room playing video games with BEN like I am doing right now.

"STOP CHEATING Y/N!!!!" BEN yells as you two play Mario Kart together, which you were winning by the way.

"I'm not cheating BEN! I'm just way better at videogames than you are." you say with a smirk as he desperately tries to pass you and succeeds, just as you get a mystery block.

"YES! The finish line is right there!! All I have to do now is stay ahead of you until-" he was cut off mid sentence when you threw a blue shell bomb at him, making his car fly up into the air as your character flew past the finish line while the screen showed that you were the winner.

"YESS!!" you yell happily as you put your arms up in the air while BEN just stares at you, speechless.

"What's the matter BEN? Tired of losing yet?" you say with a smirk as BEN too now has a smirk on his face.

"Oh I won't lose this time. I will win this next round, you will see." BEN says still smirking.

"Ha! I'd like to see you try!" you say as Ben continues to stare at you rather creepily in fact.

he chuckles and says in a low voice, "You shouldn't have done that." as he turns into a bunch of green code looking particles and vanishes inside the TV.

"BEN what are you doing? You know no matter what you do I will win." you say confidentially as you look at the loading screen for an answer, only to see that the match was about to start and BEN was in a kart next to you in the game. You begin to laugh a little because since he was so short, he was in one of the baby carts that looked like a carriage.

"You won't be laughing for too long because with this cart, I will be the fastest player on here and I will beat you! You will see." BEN says as the timer says 3 seconds until the game starts.

"Game on" you say as the timer struck 0 and the game began. You had to admit he did do a little better when he was inside the game, but not good enough. It was the final lap and he was just on your tail as the both of your carts hit a mystery block and your item was chosen. You got a banana and BEN got three green shells. You threw the banana behind you as BEN quickly dodged it. You now could see the finish line and was about to cross it, that was until a little green shell hit your car and BEN won.

"You have met with a terrible fate, Haven't you Y/N?" BEN says as he smirks and looks up at the text saying that he had won.

"YESS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I FINALLY DID IT! oww...." BEN yells as he falls out of the T.V yet again.

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