Chapter 10: A Funny Prank and Introducing SY

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(A/N Hey guys! I hope that you like this chapter and please, pleaaaasssee watch the video above because it is awesome! (it also contains a little bit of the feels and it doesn't really relate to this chapter at all, but I thought that you guys would enjoy watching it nonetheless. x3) Also note that I do not own the video and the dub was made by Pshattuckproductions on Youtube so yeah... ON WITH THE STORY!! ^u^)


I slowly started to wake up, but I was still extremely tired so my eyes remained closed. I was about to change the position I was lying in so that I would be more comfortable but a pair of strong arms prevented me from doing so. Completely forgetting about what happened last night in my tired state, my eyes shot open and I was about to panic and punch whoever pulled me back until my gaze was met with the face of none other than Zalgo who was currently sound asleep. I sighed quietly in relief as my heartbeat now began to slow down and become normal again and that's when I thought,

'How in the hell am I going to get out of this....... And why do I keep ending up in these situations?!?!' I slowly began to attempt to get out of his grip but what would you know, just like every other f*cking time I've tried to escape these situations, I failed miserably.

'Oh come on.... Just let me gooooooo.' I whined grumpily in my mind as I continued to try to escape before I eventually just gave up and turned around so that I was no longer facing Zalgo-- all the while I did this, I let out a tired and agitated sigh.

"What time is it anyway?......" I asked myself quietly in a hushed tone, trying now to get a look at the clock that was located on the other side of the room.

"Hmmm It's early my dear.... Go back to sleep Y/N......~" Zalgo murmured into the back of my neck in a husky, tired voice- as he did this, his warm breath could be felt on me as his lips lightly brushed onto my neck before he brought me closer towards him and then started to snuggle into the crook of my neck. By now I could feel my face start to heat up as I once again tried desperately to escape his grip. You were able to escape a little, and with this new added bit of freedom, you could now see the clock on the wall and read what time it was.

"Z-zalgo it isn't that early really..... It's 12:00......" you stated quietly which caused Zalgo to tiredly groan before he slowly sat up, letting you go in the process as he now let out a deep and tired yawn. You took this as an opportunity to stand up off of the bed and as you did that, he tiredly rubbed his face with his hands before he looked over towards you with a sleepy grin.

"So.... Is there anything in particular that you would like to eat for breakfast, Y/N?" he asked you kindly before he too stood up and then walked over towards you.

"U-uhm.... Could I have (Your Favorite Breakfast) please?......" you asked shyly while looking up at him only to see him smirk as he replied,

"But of course. I shouldn't be but a moment Y/N~" He replied tiredly with another yawn as he smiled down at you before he started to tiredly walk over towards the door- he then opened it and was about to walk out the door when he stopped and made a questionable face at himself while he looked down at the ground while mumbling,

"I can teleport..... What in the hell am I even doing..." he then vanished into thin air which left you alone in the room laughing quietly to yourself about what just happened because you have to admit, that was pretty funny. As you were quietly laughing to yourself, Grinny then entered the room and walked over towards you as he now began to rub against your leg affectionately.

"Aww hey lil guy." you cooed cutely before you picked him up and then began to cradle him in your arms like a baby.

"Meow~...." Grinny purred happily with a sleepy grin on his face as you sat back down onto the bed just as Zalgo arrived back with your breakfast on a tray in one hand and a mug which looked like it contained hot coffee in his other. You gently set the sleepy kitty down next to you as Zalgo, who seemed more awake now, handed you your food, while he kept the mug in his hand for himself. 

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