Part 1

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Before we begin, I want to tell you that english is NOT the language i usually speak, so this story might have some typos. This is my first ever stroy so please be nice. I am trying my best to make this story fun for every single one of you, so be free to give some tips or tell me what you want to happen next. Check my tiktok account for more povs and stories: fictional_user_

With this all said and done, enjoy!


Shit, i mumbled as i hear the second bell going off. Well, i'm too late anyway.. i think as i open the bathroom door. I fix my make-up and hear someone walking in. I turn my head to see hermione standing in the doorway. "Do you have a free period?" she asked while opening the door of one of the bathroom stalls. "Nope, i'm too late. Luckily i have potions." Hermione laughs "You better hurry, you can't be later than 10 minutes." i sigh, she's right.

I open the door and i see professor slughorn staring at me. "I'm sorry professor, i'm late." No shit.. as if the whole class couldn't see that. "No problem y/l/n. Take your book and come join us." as i look behind him, i see mattheo standing there talking with Draco and Pansy. God i hate them. They always want to be the best at everything. Ever since Blaise got expelled for pulling a prank on Harry, it's like i don't belong in Slytherin anymore. He was the only friend in Slytherin that i've ever had. "Why don't you try, miss y/l/n?" i look up and see everyone staring at me. Great, i didn't even listen. "What? what did i do now?" i ask when rolling my eyes. "Why don't you try this amortentia?" i sigh. Really? Who even believes in this bullshit? i step forward and roll my eyes. I smell a very weird smell of books, blood and rain. it's such a strong smell.. it's giving me a headache. "I don' smell antyhing." i lied. I don't care about it, so why would other people? "Liar." I hear coming from across the other side of the room. I turn my head over to see Draco and Pansy laughing. "Alright Mattheo, why don't you give it a try then? Or are you scared maybe?" Mattheo locks his grey eyes into mine. It's scary, but mostly charming. I've had a crush on him since year 1. Even tho i hate him so much, there will always be something about him that i can't explain. "I don't care about a stupid candle. I don't need a girl, they will only make you weak." I laugh. "Good thing you don't need a girl for that." i said. He was about to stand up, but professor Slughorn luckily came in between. His stupid cologne is everywhere, i can't stand it. Matheo looks at me with a weirdly shocked face. "What are you looking at?" i said in a mad tone. he rolls his eyes. "I can't look now? Jeez i thought that's why eyes were created." he said. Before i could answer, the bell rang and everyone went out one by one. As i was walking out the door, someone called my name. I turn around and see professor Slughorn looking at me. "Next time, ignore him." he said. I nodded my head and turned around to walk out.

"going to bed already?" i heard behind me. I turned around to see Mattheo all alone on a chair in the corner. He's reading a book. "Why, it's not like i have anyone to hang out with." i said while being slightly irritated. "Tonight is the slytherin party." He said. "I know, and i don't give a fuck." i aid back. I turn around and open the door of my dorm. "I need a date. A fake date." when i heard those words i turned around. "I can't show up alone. And ur the only one who doesn't have a date." "A date? Yeah right. I hate you... you hate me. You do the math." i said. i turn around but he grabbed my arm. He had a very hard grip, but it wasn't painfull at all. "Come on, you can't even pretend to be my friend for one night?" he said. I can't even pretend to hate him with my whole heart, let alone pretend i'm his friend. "And what's in it for me?" ofcourse i want something back for it. "That's your choice, all i care about is what i get." Should i do it? i can't be his friend. It will ruin everything for me. but on the other side, i will get to go out and make some friends.

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