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After carefully laying the boy down on the stretcher, Minho stood back for a moment, watching the child's chest rise and fall steadily. The boy had cried himself into a deep sleep, and his small body now seemed at peace, a stark contrast to the terror he had been running from just moments ago.

Minho let out a quiet breath and turned his attention to the rest of the ambulance. As he had guessed, much of the vehicle had been stripped clean by scavengers—medical supplies, tools, anything useful was long gone. But the stretcher was intact and surprisingly clean, a stroke of good luck in a world that rarely offered any.

Rummaging through the dim interior, Minho noticed a faint light coming from above. He looked up to see that the interior lights were still functioning, powered by a solar panel mounted on the roof. It wasn't much, but it was a small victory. He pulled the thick curtains shut over the windows, sealing them in, and closed the ambulance doors securely.

The soft hum of the lights filled the silence as Minho sat down, exhaustion settling deep into his bones. This place, though temporary, felt safe enough for the night. If he could somehow get the engine running, it could even become a permanent shelter—a mobile one at that. For now, though, rest was the most immediate need. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift into sleep, feeling more secure than he had in weeks.

Morning came with the soft glow of dawn filtering through the cracks in the curtains. Minho blinked awake, immediately scanning the area. The boy was still asleep, curled up on the stretcher, but his forehead seemed warm to the touch. "Probably just a light fever," Minho murmured, brushing a hand gently against the boy's forehead before standing up.

With the child still resting, Minho began a more thorough search of the ambulance. He had sat on the front passenger seat the previous night, and now that he looked closely, he noticed it had a hollow sound when tapped. Curiosity piqued, he crouched down and felt around the base of the seat. His fingers grazed the edge of a hidden latch. With a firm tug, the seat popped open, revealing a hidden compartment.

Inside, Minho found a first aid kit, the small red box covered in dust but still sealed. Alongside it were several rolls of gauze, surgical tape, and an impressive stash of clean cotton. Minho's eyes widened slightly—this was an incredible find. In a world where infection could mean death, these supplies were as valuable as gold.

"Not bad," he muttered, pulling out the kit and examining its contents. Bandages, antiseptic wipes, and even a few small vials of painkillers. This was a treasure trove of medical essentials, especially considering the boy's fever.

He quietly packed the items away, careful not to disturb the sleeping child. This ambulance had more potential than he first realized. For the first time in a long while, Minho felt the tiniest glimmer of hope.

As Minho finished stashing away the newly found medical supplies, a small whine caught his attention. He turned to see the boy stirring on the stretcher, his wide eyes blinking open as he slowly woke.

"Hello," Minho said softly, offering the boy a reassuring smile.

The boy blinked up at him, eyes still glassy with sleep, and then, to Minho's surprise, he whispered, "Thank you, Mama."

For a second, Minho just stared, thrown by the unexpected title. He let out a soft laugh, shaking his head gently. "Little one," he corrected, "I'm a male like you. I'm not your mama."

But the boy just looked at him again, his expression unchanging. "Mama," he repeated with a big, innocent smile.

Minho opened his mouth to correct him again, but something about the way the boy smiled stopped him. His chest tightened. The boy was too young, too fragile, and Minho didn't have the heart to break that small moment of comfort. So instead, he just smiled back. "Alright," he said with a soft chuckle, "Mama it is."

He sat down beside the boy, feeling the weight of responsibility settle over him. "Now that you've decided to call me Mama," Minho said with a playful tone, "what should I call you, hmm?"

The boy's eyes lit up, and he sat up straighter, his smile growing even wider. "Mama, this is Lixie," he declared proudly, holding up seven fingers, "and Lixie is 7!"

Minho couldn't help but smile in return. The boy's energy was infectious, and in a world as dark as theirs, it was a rare, precious thing. "Well, Lixie," Minho said gently, "may Mama ask how you ended up alone in the woods? What happened to your... umm, Dada?"

At the mention of his father, Lixie's smile faltered. His bottom lip quivered, and before Minho could take it back, tears welled up in the boy's eyes. "Lixie... Lixie was with Dada and Sungie's Dada," he began, his words broken by sobs. "Then... there were monsters. Everyone started running. Lixie tried to hold Dada's hand, but then... Lixie lost dada. Lixie didn't know where he was, so Lixie ran into the jungle."

Minho listened quietly, his heart heavy as the boy continued through his tears. "Lixie saw a deer... so Lixie followed the deer and slept beside it.In morning Lixie ate berries like the quokka did, then played in the water with the fishies, and... and..." His voice trembled. "Then went to sleep but when in the morning lixie woke up, the monsters came and... they ate deerie. Lixie got scared and ran. Then Mama saved Lixie."

By the time Lixie finished, his tiny frame was wracked with sobs. He threw his arms around Minho's neck, burying his face into Minho's chest. Minho froze for a second, unsure how to respond, but then he wrapped his arms around the boy, holding him close.

He couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. Despite the horror Lixie had witnessed, the deer had kept him safe, at least for a while. It gave Minho a small sense of relief, even if the deer hadn't survived. He was glad he had trusted his gut, that he had run toward the child's scream when others might have ignored it.

"You're safe now, Lixie," Minho whispered softly, patting the boy's back. "I won't let anything happen to you."

As Lixie clung to him, Minho's thoughts raced. He had been alone for so long, never letting anyone get close. But now, in this moment, he realized that this boy—this tiny, innocent life—had become his responsibility. And for the first time in years, Minho didn't feel quite so alone anymore.

Well minho found a baby for himself that's something nice, well the best that happened to him in these 3 year's 

If you have any question's or don't understand anything please comment down I will try my best to solve them 

anyways ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤️~

THE END (MinChan)Where stories live. Discover now