Chapter 1: The Arrival

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"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." – Kurt Vonnegut


The morning sun cast a soft glow over the prestigious entrance of Tokyo's most elite academy, shining off the carefully manicured gardens and the towering pillars that flanked the main gate. For most students arriving on their first day, it was a breathtaking sight, the beginning of what they imagined would be the greatest chapter of their lives.

For Hana Shizuki, it was merely another cage—albeit a more beautiful one.

The bus ride had been quiet. She chose a seat near the back, by the window, where she could observe her surroundings without being noticed. As the cityscape faded into the academy's expansive grounds, she remained silent, watching as groups of students around her chattered excitedly, their voices tinged with hope, nerves, and ambition. They wore their hearts on their sleeves, unable to mask their eagerness. It was all so painfully transparent to Hana, and she felt a pang of irritation at their simplicity.

Hana had been trained to recognize the nuances in human behavior—the flickers of uncertainty in a person's eyes, the subtle shifts in body language that spoke louder than words. But these students were like open books, pages fluttering in the wind, utterly unaware of the storm that was coming.

Her father had ensured she was prepared for this. Years spent in the Hidden Room, a place designed to strip away any sense of identity, to forge her into something beyond human, something flawless. Her father's voice still echoed in her mind, even now: *"You are not like them, Hana. You are beyond them."*

It had taken everything she had to escape that place. But even now, standing in front of this grand academy with its shining promise of a new life, Hana felt the invisible chains tugging at her wrists.

"Welcome, new students, to the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Academy."

The voice crackled through the speakers, bringing Hana back to the present. She stepped off the bus and blended into the crowd, allowing herself to be swept along by the tide of first-years making their way into the grand entrance hall. It was vast and intimidating, with marble floors that gleamed under the bright chandeliers and banners that hung from the ceiling, each one displaying the academy's emblem—a single golden phoenix rising from a bed of flames.

Hana adjusted the collar of her uniform, ensuring every fold and crease was perfectly in place. Appearances mattered here. The academy was a world where the slightest misstep could mark you as prey. Her father had taught her that much.

The entrance ceremony was the usual affair—overblown speeches, grand promises, and a not-so-subtle reminder that only the best would survive. As the headmaster droned on about excellence, discipline, and the pursuit of greatness, Hana's eyes drifted across the hall, taking in the faces of her fellow students. Most were entranced, hanging onto every word as if their futures depended on it.

*Fools*, she thought, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes. They didn't see the strings that were being pulled, the traps being set. They didn't realize that this wasn't a school—it was a hunting ground.

She caught sight of a girl with long, raven-black hair standing at the edge of the crowd. The girl's posture was relaxed, her expression unreadable, and yet there was a sharpness in her eyes that made Hana pause. The girl didn't fidget, didn't shift her weight from foot to foot like everyone else around her. She stood still, like a predator surveying its territory.

*Interesting,* Hana mused, filing the observation away. It wasn't often she encountered someone who didn't wear their emotions on their sleeve.

The ceremony ended with a polite round of applause, and the students were herded toward their respective classrooms. Hana followed the flow, moving with practiced ease, her expression calm and detached. It wasn't until she reached Class 1-D that she allowed herself to relax, just slightly.

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