Chapter 4: The Unveiling

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"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." – Kurt Vonnegut


The sun dipped lower as the afternoon activities commenced, casting long shadows across the academy grounds. As Hana Shizuki walked to the main hall alongside Airi Mizuno, she kept her expression neutral, masking the unease that had begun to stir within her. A part of her disliked this—the way her life seemed to slip back into the familiar rhythm of calculated moves, strategies, and silent battles. But she reminded herself that this was necessary. If she was to survive here, blending in wasn't just an option; it was a requirement.

"You don't show much enthusiasm," Airi noted, her voice cutting through Hana's thoughts as they entered the hall. "Aren't you at least a little interested in seeing how this exercise plays out?"

Hana allowed herself a small, practiced smile—one that she knew was just the right mix of politeness and detachment. "It's not that I'm not interested," she said softly. "I just think it's more important to observe first."

"Observe?" Airi tilted her head, clearly intrigued. "Are you saying you've already decided how this will end?"

Hana shook her head, making sure her movements seemed almost uncertain, as though she were genuinely unsure of herself. "No, I don't think anyone can predict how things will end. There are too many variables."

The truth was, she had already calculated the most likely outcomes, mapped out the possible strategies each team would employ, and identified the students who posed any real threat. But saying that out loud would draw unnecessary attention, and Hana had no intention of standing out more than she had to.

As the teams were formed, Hana found herself paired with Airi, a boy named Daichi who exuded confidence but lacked substance, and a girl named Rina who seemed more interested in her phone than the task at hand. Hana let the others take the lead, feigning uncertainty and following quietly behind as they discussed their approach to the challenge. It wasn't until they reached the first puzzle that Airi turned to her with an expectant look.

"What do you think we should do, Hana?" Airi asked, her tone light but her eyes sharp, watching Hana's every reaction.

Hana hesitated, allowing a flicker of doubt to cross her face. It was a small detail, one that most people wouldn't notice, but she knew it was enough to convey the impression of uncertainty. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe Daichi should try first. He seems confident."

Daichi puffed up at the subtle praise and stepped forward eagerly. It was exactly what Hana had intended. People like Daichi needed to feel validated, to believe they were in control. It made them easier to manage.

As he fumbled with the puzzle, Hana watched in silence, mentally piecing together the solution. It wasn't complicated—merely a matter of aligning the correct pieces in sequence. But instead of stepping in and taking over, she waited. There was no need to draw attention to herself when others were more than willing to do the work.

"You're not even trying, are you?" Airi whispered, leaning closer, her breath warm against Hana's ear. "You've already figured it out."

Hana gave her a small, self-deprecating smile, the kind that suggested she didn't think much of her own abilities. "I wouldn't want to assume," she replied. "I might be wrong."

"Somehow, I doubt that," Airi said, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"Then perhaps you're giving me too much credit," Hana murmured, turning her gaze back to Daichi as he finally managed to solve the puzzle. She clapped softly, offering a polite, "Well done," even though it had taken him far longer than necessary.

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