chapter 1

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March 17th

"Alright, Sarah, I'm only allowing this because you're with Samuel," her mom said, handing her a gentle smile as she prepared to leave the house. "Come back before seven, okay?"

"I know, Mum, thanks," Sarah replied, grabbing her jacket and shouldering her purse.

As they stepped out into the crisp evening air, Samuel, tall and charming, greeted Sarah with a warm smile. He looked dashing in his fitted blazer and dark jeans.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, offering his arm.

Sarah took it, feeling a flutter in her chest. They walked to the party venue, the sounds of laughter and music growing louder.

The high-school leaving party was in full swing at the community center. Balloons and streamers decorated the hall, and the DJ spun popular tunes. Sarah, Samuel, and Maya found a cozy spot near the buffet.

"I still can't believe Mr. Johnson wore that ridiculous costume to the school play," Maya said, giggling.

"Oh man, that was epic!" Samuel chuckled. "I thought he was going to trip on his own feet!"

Sarah playfully rolled her eyes. "You guys are so mean. He was just trying to have fun."

Maya grinned mischievously. "Fun? He looked like a giant, walking tomato!"

As they laughed and reminisced, Samuel glanced at his watch. "Let's go, Sarah, it's six now."

"Not yet, let's wait a bit longer," Sarah replied, her eyes sparkling. "There's something I need to fix."

Samuel raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "Fix? You've been sitting here talking without fixing it." He stood up, offering his hand. "Come dance with me."

Sarah hesitated, her mind elsewhere. "Just give me a minute, Sam."

Maya noticed Sarah's distraction. "Hey, everything okay?"

Sarah forced a smile. "Yeah, just...thinking about something."

As Samuel rejoined the dance floor, Maya leaned in. "What's going on, Sarah? You seem a bit off tonight."

Sarah's gaze drifted across the room, her thoughts consumed by the ominous feeling lurking in the shadows.

"Just enjoy the party, Maya. Let's not worry about it tonight."

Maya's expression turned concerned, but she nodded. "Okay, but if you need to talk, I'm here."

As the music pulsed on, Sarah's unease grew, threatening to shatter the carefree atmosphere.

Present day

Mrs. Irene's voice trembled with rage and despair. "It's been five days, and you're telling me to calm down? My daughter's gone, and you're asking me to stay calm?"

Maya's father, John, tried to console her. "We'll find Maya, dear. The police are doing everything they can."

"But Samuel was the last one to see her!" Mrs. Irene exclaimed. "He's hiding something, I know it."

Maya's mother, Karen, stepped forward. "We should talk to Samuel again. Maybe he remembers something."

Mr. Tom's eyes narrowed. "You think he'd tell us the truth? He's been acting strange since Sarah went missing."

John intervened. "Let's not jump to conclusions. We need to stay focused on finding sarah."

As the conversation continued, Sarah's parents exchanged worried glances. They knew Maya and Sarah were inseparable.

As they left mr John residence, they spotted Catherine outside a coffee shop.

"Irene! Tom!" Catherine called out, approaching them with a concerned expression.

"Catherine, dear, what's wrong?" Irene asked.

Catherine handed Mrs. Irene a bag. "Sarah gave this to me this morning. She asked me to give it to you."

Mrs. Irene's eyes widened. "This is the same bag Sarah took to the party."

Tom's brow furrowed. "What did she say exactly?"

Catherine thought for a moment. "She said she'd be back soon and to give you this. She, but I thought nothing of it."

Irene's voices shook. "Did she seem...pregnant to you?"

Catherine looked taken aback. "No, she looked pale, but not pregnant. Why would you think that?"

Tom's expression darkened. "We'll discuss this later."

As they walked away, Catherine called out, "Please tell Sarah to apply some makeup; she looks like a ghost!"

The parents exchanged stunned glances, unsure how to respond.

Back at their home, Tom's anxiety boiled over.

"You spoiled her, Irene! You let her go to that party, and now she's gone!" Tom thundered.

Irene stood her ground, tears streaming down her face. "That's not fair, Tom! We did everything we could to protect her."

Tom's face reddened. "If I find out she's pregnant with that bastard's child, I'll kill her! And if I find him, I'll make sure he pays for all the trouble he's caused me!"

Irene's voice rose. "You're not thinking clearly, Tom! We need to focus on finding Sarah, not accusing people!"

The argument escalated, with neither willing to back down.

As night fell, the household was fraught with tension. Irene's tears wouldn't dry, and Tom's anger simmered.

Where was Sarah? Was she still in Blackwood? Mrs Irene couldn't sleep wondering where her child could be.

The next maya arrived at Samuel's house very early so she could meethim at home before he leaves fir his fathers workshop, with the determination to find answers. She had known Samuel since grade three, and he had always been a good friend to her and Sarah. As she knocked on the door, a slender lady answered.

"Hi, Maya! Come on in. Samuel's expecting you," she said with a warm smile.

Maya followed her to the dining room, her eyes scanning the space. As she sat down, her gaze fell upon something familiar under the table opposite her. She picked it up, and her heart skipped a beat.

It was the silver necklace she had gifted Sarah, the same one she wore to the party.

Just then, Samuel walked in, his expression changing from calm to shock as he saw Maya holding the necklace.

"It's not what you think, Maya," Samuel said, his voice laced with concern.

"And what am I thinking?" Maya replied, her tone icy.

"You think I...hurt Sarah or something," Samuel stammered.

Maya's eyes blazed. "Where is she, Sam? You were the last one to see her. Tell me what happened."

Samuel's hands rose in defense. "Maya, I swear, I don't know where she is. I saw this necklace on the ground near the party venue. I picked it up, thinking I'd return it to her."

Maya's anger boiled over. "You expect me to believe that? You're the only one who knows what happened that night. If anything happens to Sarah, I'll make your life a living hell."

The quarrel escalated, with Samuel's explanations falling flat. Maya's accusations piled up, and Samuel's frustration grew.

"I didn't do anything, Maya! I swear on my life. I don't know where Sarah is," Samuel pleaded.

Maya's voice rose. "You're hiding something. I know it."

The tension between them became unbearable. Maya stormed out, leaving Samuel looking devastated.

As Maya walked away from Samuel's house, her mind reeled with questions. Why did Samuel have Sarah's necklace? What really happened that night? She realized how foolish of her to not have asked him about what he knows before her disappearance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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