[1] Dan's Back Story

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Hello Internet. My name is Dan Howell. I'm a 24 year old "single and straight" adult male. You see I'm secretly dating Phil Lester the most adorable and hottest guy on Earth. I'm a famous YouTuber and I have like 4 million subs I think idc much about my sub count.

Everyone yells at Phil and I when I say we aren't together because everyone ships us. If you don't like Phil leave. Like right now just go.

I get cringe attacks around every 2.5 weeks I'd say. I don't post on YouTube in a daily basis. On my main account "danisnotonfire" I post every 2-4 weeks. On my other account "danisnotinteresting" I rarely post. On my other account "The Super Amazing Project" ahahaha you all know I'm kidding I was a fetus then. But I have a craft and gaming channel with my boyfriend Phil.

I like the color black.

I'm meme trash, but I'M NOT PEPE THE FROG OKAY BYE!1!!!!1!1!111!

Wait- a backstory? Oh. Well I was raised in England and born here I've known Phil since I was 18 and my life growing up was cringe worthy... Emo depression... Wanna be mess up mess. Yeah so overall I didn't finish college and I make videos with my boyfriend for a living okay bye.


Phil's Back Story

Hey I have one too! I'm 28 named Phil Lester I'm really swaggy and I love Scottish accents and uh I moisturizer and my boyfriend is hot af he was just talking he's named Dan. My mom and dad are nice and I am cool and I'm weird and I like adventure time and I hate cheese and I used to hate bananas but now they're delicious and I hate tomato juice and yeah and uh I uh I'm lactose intolerant and I think I have like 3 million subs but idc they're all ,y friends to share my crazy story and life with. Don't get me started oN THE vDAY ViDEO!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1111!1!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!1!!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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