248 - Eight

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Ophilia let out a small sigh when she touched down on solid ground in S'warkii. The cool, fresh forest air was a stark contrast to the stiff, ominous breezes of Hornburg, and Ophilia was glad to be somewhere a bit more lively. This was where she belonged, and she knew it well. 

Ophilia still couldn't believe she had actually done it. She and her friends had fought together with everything they had, and they had defeated the dark god. Galdera would never rise again as long as they had something to say about it. The travelers had won, and the future was theirs to change now. No one would ever know the truth of what had happened in the Gate of Finis, but Ophilia was fine with that. She didn't need the world to be entirely aware of her bravery for her to treasure it. She was doing what she knew was right, and even if she was never acknowledged for it, she would be proud of what she had done. 

Kit rubbed at his head as he looked around S'warkii, muted confusion rising in his eyes. "I never thought something like teleportation could be possible..." Kit confessed softly. He fell silent as he caught a glimpse of the inn, and more importantly, the theatre troupe's main cart parked just outside of it. The cart had been damaged minimally by the tiger attack, though it had recovered massively already. The troupe would likely be setting out come morning, and Kit would join them gladly. 

But first, Kit had to say goodbye, so he turned to face the rest of the travelers with a weak smile. "So... I suppose this is where we say farewell," he began carefully. "I hope you can forgive me for not being able to thank you properly. I can say again and again how grateful I am that you came after me, but it never quite feels like enough."

"You don't need to worry about that," Therion assured him with a shake of his head. "We're happy we were able to do what we could for you. If you needed the help, then we were more than happy to give it. Don't worry at all about making it up to us."

Kit still didn't seem satisfied with that, so he pressed his pointer finger against his chin in contemplation. After a few seconds, he struck gold on an idea. "I know! How about you come to a show put on by the troupe one day?" Kit asked. "I can surely get all of you in for free. It might not be much, but it feels like the least I can do for you after you saved my life."

Ophilia, suspecting this was the best compromise they were going to get as long as Kit was so desperate to thank them for their help, nodded with a light laugh. "If you ever pass through Flamesgrace, I'll be there to see what you all do on the stage," she promised. Ophilia looked up at Kit and let her features relax into a smaller smile. "Good luck out there, Kit. If you ever need anything, you can look for us, and I guarantee at least one of us will be nearby."

"Thank you," Kit nodded. He took a few steps toward the inn before turning around and practically launching himself into Ophilia's arms. She was stunned silent for a long moment before she returned the embrace with a smile. Kit remained there for a few seconds, only pulling away when he was certain he had gotten all he could from the hug. With that, he turned toward the inn once again. "Thank you for everything."

Ophilia watched as Kit disappeared into the inn, and she waved after him even though she knew he wouldn't be able to see her anymore. She continued to look after him until Z'aanta cleared his throat and forced her to look over in his direction. "This is where I getten off as well," Z'aanta declared. His gaze fell on H'aanit, and he nodded to her. "I looken forward to seeing thou tomorrow."

"As do I," H'aanit agreed, though the weight of her words was not lost on her nor was it lost on anyone else. This was the last night she would spend with the rest of the travelers, and after that, she would need to return to her old life. It didn't matter how ill-prepared she felt. It didn't matter how ill-prepared any of them felt. This was where their journey together ended, and they had to embrace it even if they didn't want to. "I shall seen thee tomorrow. Tryen not to end up petrified by another monster whilst I am away, yes?"

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