Amy's Night Rendezvous

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Amirah, future monarch of Caspia, is facing controversy at Gallagher. She finds it that no one understands her and what she's going through. The best of help has been sent towards Amirah, who goes by Amy. Long talks with Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Neurologists have occured. But she keeps it to herself and doesn't do well communicating with Strangers.(Despite what you may have heard from Chloe Walters. The daughter of THE undercover journalist, Tina Walters.)
Although she knows she should be more grateful and actually feel happy; she cant help but feel anything but. It goes way back to last summer for Amy. Professor Buckingham's nephew, Gabriel, had come to pick up his ant, Amy's teacher.
As soon as Gabriel made his way through the gates of the Gallagher Academy, all the girls were on him. Gabriel liked all the female attention. Nonetheless there was one girl who stood out the most to him. The girl carried herself well, swaying from corridor to corridor. She was simply beautiful in his eyes. Little did he know, that girl was the future queen to an island and properties; she would soon have to acquire with her coming of age. Gabriel was oblivious to this, for all he knew she was a really pretty and smart girl. Amy wasn't; Oblivious, I mean.
She reminded herself everyday. Nobody knew besides staff, nobody wanted to make her feel like she wasn't enough. Nobody expected anything from her. But she did, she wanted to be strong. And fearless. And she was.
Up until Gabriel came along. Now, Gabriel wasn't a girl expert, much less incompetent towards them. He couldn't just go to her and have a conversation. Right?
No, of course not. Not in his mind, anyway. He made a plan to get to know her. And know her, he did. They soon became friends. And later on more than friends. But summer came to an end. He said and did many things, they promised to see each other again.
Summer was over and Gabriel was an unknown case to Amy. He was nowhere to be seen and a complete mystery. It could've all been a dream for all she knew. When Amy sneaks out of Gallagher through passageways for like the second time that same day she saw an old friend of hers. The woman who jumped in front of a bullet for her 4 years ago. Amy immediately rubbed her eyes and stared in disbelief to what she was seeing. Cammie?! The Chameleon?? She was in the townsquare?? What?! Amy had a perfect view from the window and 20/20 vision. That wasn't enough to her. She felt the need to sneak out and go talk to the lady she had to thank for saving her life.
" C-C-Cammie?" Said Amy, trying to get Cammie's attention. Cammie was looking at something in the white gazebo, with her back facing Amy. Then she heard her and turned around swiftly to find a little Amirah, well not so little anymore, Cammie realized. When Cammie was about to greet her, barely opening her mouth, Amy was already lunging towards her for a hug.
"Princess Amirah!?" Cammie whisper-yelled in disbelief. She didn't recognize the young girl staring back at her with the same wide eyed expression. "Yup! In the flesh!" Amy says as she climbs off of Cammie.
"Amy! What? How? Aren't you supposed to be at Gallagher? You can't just-" Cammie went on rambling, until she got cut off by Amy.
"Yeah yeah yeah, I know and I am. At gallagher,I mean" said Amy at Cammie hoping to ease her tall friend that seems distracted and looking away at someone...a man? walking towards them, uh what. Amy nudges at Cammie, not knowing what else to do and seeing the mysterious man as a potential threat. "Cam..who's that?" She whispered as a broad-shouldered, rugged man walked straight to the two. Making a beeline to Cammie. Where the big, now clearly seen as darkhaired, man wrapped an arm around Cammie and whispered in her ear. Causing Cammie to giggle, and Amy thought they had forgotten she was there. They seemed to be so focused on each other, as if in their own little world. What lousy spies, Amy thought. "Uh... Hi, Im..
um..Amy." She, inwardly, cursed herself for stammering,
"Oh, I know who you are," Said the tall man, now focusing on Amy, leaned in towards her and continued, "Princess Amirah." He nodded his head afterwards in greeting, she guessed that was the way people in 'her country', the one she knew nothing about, greeted each other. "Do you not remember me, princess?" He asked with a silent voice, that only a trained operative( like herself) would be able to hear.
To which, Amy responded with a blank face. I'm pretty sure I'd remember, if I had met him before, she thought.
He offered her a small smile, and squeezed Cammie's hand, still in the hands-wrapped-around-her-waist position."I am Zach, Cammie's fiance. It's nice to see you again."
Then, it hit her. This tall, broad man was Cammie's highschool sweetheart. Cammie's boyfriend since she was a junior! She had remembered a boy with Cammie, but she never really talked to him.
"Oh yeah.. I remember you, you uh.. look different, is all.." Saying he simply looks different was a complete understatement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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