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I felt a couple rays of sunshine peering through my curtain. I sighed as I got up for the day. First day of junior year, I thought to myself. What could go wrong?

"Yoooo get up!! You gotta drive us to school" my brother ale screamed from the bottom of the stairs. "Ok dickhead!! I can hear you!!" "PIPPA" my mom screamed and I flinched. "Sorry mom!!" My brother Alejandro and I are technically a year apart. I was born in 2002 but because of cut off dates, they held me back a year. I also was technically his half sibling. You see my dad was not exactly the best husband when he first married ale's mom. My dad had an affair when he was married to her, and as a result, I was born. Messy.. I know. But after my mom dipped, Alex's mom and my dad worked things through, then I lived with her and my dad. Now they're better than ever and she treats me like I'm her own. Then a couple years later they had our younger brother Emiliano. Now we're the perfect family.

I rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. I was so excited to be using the family car so we could finally stop taking the bus. That also meant I had to pick up the dummies my brother called his friends. "Have a good day babies. Be safe, make good choices, and work hard in school!" My mom said as we ran out the door. "Love you ma!" My brother and I said in sync. "Ok nano buckle up please" I smiled as I looked at through the mirror. I dropped him off and waved him goodbye and then went to pick up ale's friends.

"Yo get in short stack!" I yelled at Kairi ran across his front lawn. "Shut up I'm only 2 inches smaller than you" Kairi said. Alejandro and I just both laughed. Then we picked up Alvaro, Robert, and lastly Mattia.. God he's so hot. I know I shouldn't be thinking this way but I mean I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. "Yo" he clapped up ale as he climbed in. "Hey smiley" smiley was my nickname that the boys gave me in 5th grade because they claim I have "resting smiling face" and they knew how much I hated it. But it just sounded so good coming from him. "Hey" I nervously said back.

We pulled into the Passaic valley parking lot and we all got out to go inside. "Pippa!!" I looked up. "Destiny!!" We ran to give each other a hug. Destiny is my best friend since 5th grade. I was in the playground and some girl wouldn't stop bullying me and finally destiny stood up to her one day and pushed her. Ever since then we became inseparable. "Oh my gosh!! How was your summer?" I said. Destiny went to Honduras to visit her family. What was supposed to be a 3 week trip turned out to be a whole summer thing. I know she loves it there so I didn't mind. "Amazing!! But I missed my bestie." She smiled as she hugged me. "We're freakin juniors!! I can't believe it". "I know it's crazy" I responded back as we walked in.

As Destiny and I are at our lockers I saw a familiar boy with curly brown hair and piercing brown eyes. Mariano Castano. My ex boyfriend. "Ew don't look now" I said. He walked past me giving me a wink. "Ew he's literal filth." Destiny fake gagged as I laughed. Mar and I dated for about 5 months during sophomore year but he cheated on me multiple times with a girl a year younger than us and to say I was completely devastated was an understatement. Destiny noticed me starting to look down. "Don't let him get to you. You're freakin hot and besides we're both single nowww" she said squealing. "Yeah I know I know. I just hate him." I fake laughed.

As I'm walking to my first class I feel these two boys staring and snickering at me. I finally turned around and asked what their problem was. "Didn't know you were into your brothers friend group?" They both laughed. What?? "I don't get it?" I said. "Polibio told us all the fun you had at Jason's party two weeks ago" they both laughed again. "Well whatever he said it's not fucking true and get a life!" I raised my voice. "Woah don't get your panties in a twist. We're just saying what he told us". "He told you that?" I said. "Yeah and I mean the whole teams probably gonna know after today." I panicked. "You're not gonna tell anyone." They both laughed. "And whys that?" The short one, Carter said. I turned and faced them directly. "Because Carter, I'll tell everyone how you begged and cried for Destiny to date you. I have receipts." I smirked. "Alright alright chill" he said as they walked away. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It's just a rumor. But why would he make that up? I thought. What if other people hear this? What if ale hears this?

I couldn't even enjoy the first day of school because all I kept thinking about was that rumor. How could Mattia say that? What made him say that? What was he thinking? Not to mention he's back together with Jenna so people are going to thinking I'm a home wrecker.

Ale told me he could get a ride after school since he had practice. So I picked up nano and drove home. After I we got home I went straight to my room and just laid on my floor thinking. I decided I needed to confront him about this because how could he just randomly say this?

 I decided I needed to confront him about this because how could he just randomly say this?

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We need to talk.

Hi Mattia how was ur day? Ya my day was cool smiley thanks for asking

Don't fck w me rn.

Alr damn wanna come over?

I'll be there in 10.
Read 3:34pm

I didn't mean to be so aggressive but I was just so pissed that he could go around saying random rumors. "I'm going out with destiny!" I yelled from from my front door. "Okay be back by 9! Love you!" My mom shouted back. "Love you too!" I said as I walked to my car. As I was driving I just felt this pit in my stomach. What do I even say to him? Hey I heard from your teammates that you're spreading lies about me?" Ugh. I get out of my car and slowly walk to his front door. I slowly ring the door bell. Mattia opens the front door. There he is. Gray champion hoodie and black sweats. Even though I'm so mad I can't lie, he looks so good right now. We start to walk downstairs to his room, not saying a word to each other.

All of a sudden I shove him. "Chill!" He yells. I shove him again harder. "What the fuck pippa? What's your problem?"  I can't help but stare dumbfounded. "Why are you going around telling everyone we had sex?!" His face drops. "I- listen" He begins to explain. "These seniors on the team said that for senior scav they needed to pick a girl in every grade to hook up with. I knew you didn't want to so I just made up a stupid story" My face dropped. I slowly looked up at him. "I thought we weren't gonna tell anyone we hooked up..."

A/n- HEY! Plot twisttttt they actually did Hu. Sorry this chapter is madddd long I just needed to give some context!! This is gonna be a slow burning book kinda but I hope yg enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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