Chapter 5: The Storm

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The summer started out as planned. Blair and Angel spent nearly every day together, their bond stronger than ever. They would go for long walks, sit by the lake talking for hours, and stay up late watching movies at each other’s houses. Everything felt perfect like the entire world existed just for them.

One day, in late June, they decided to take a day trip to the neighboring town, which was known for its scenic cliffs and breathtaking views of the ocean. Angel had been excited about this trip for weeks. She loved the idea of exploring new places, and the cliffs were one of those spots she had always wanted to visit.

“Let’s make it a day to remember,” Angel said, smiling as they packed a picnic and got ready to leave.

Blair smiled back, though he felt a strange sense of unease he couldn’t quite explain. It was probably just nerves, he thought he wasn’t a big fan of heights, and the cliffs were known to be step. Still, Angel was excited, and he wanted to make the day special for her.

They hopped on the bus that would take them to the cliffs, the ride filled with laughter and lighthearted conversation. Angel couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful it was going to be, while Blair listened, enjoying how happy she seemed.

After an hour-long bus ride, they arrived at the cliffs. The air was warm, the sky a bright blue, and the sea below glistened in the sunlight. It was just as breathtaking as Angel had imagined. They walked along the edge, hand in hand, taking in the stunning view. The cliffs were covered in wildflowers, and the ocean stretched out as far as the eye could see.

“This is amazing,” Angel said, spinning around with her arms outstretched. “I could stay here forever.”

Blair smiled, watching her with a mixture of admiration and love. “It’s beautiful,” he agreed, though he couldn’t shake the slight nervousness he felt being so close to the edge.

After exploring for a while, they found a quiet spot to sit down and enjoy their picnic. They talked about their future, their dreams, and all the adventures they still wanted to have together. Angel spoke about traveling the world, while Blair imagined his art in galleries. They made promises to always be there for each other, no matter what.

The afternoon passed by in a blur of laughter and sweet moments. But as the sun began to set, dark clouds started to gather on the horizon. A storm was coming, though neither of them noticed at first. The wind began to pick up, and the air grew cooler.

“I think we should start heading back,” Blair said, glancing at the sky. “It looks like a storm is coming.”

Angel nodded, though she seemed reluctant to leave. “Just a little longer,” she pleaded. “Let’s watch the sunset from the cliffs.”

Blair hesitated, the unease in his stomach growing. But he didn’t want to disappoint her, so he agreed. They walked closer to the edge of the cliffs, where the view of the sunset was the best. The waves below crashed against the rocks, louder now as the wind whipped through the air.

They stood there, side by side, watching the sun dip lower into the horizon. The colors of the sky were incredible deep oranges, pinks, and purples blending together like one of Blair’s paintings.

“It’s beautiful,” Angel whispered, her hair blowing in the wind.

But before they could fully take in the moment, the storm arrived. The wind howled, the sky darkened, and the first drops of rain began to fall. The peaceful evening they had planned quickly turned into something dangerous.

“We need to go, Angel,” Blair said, his voice louder now to be heard over the wind. “It’s getting bad.”

Angel looked around, suddenly realizing how far they had wandered from the trail. The cliffs were slick with rain, and the ground beneath their feet felt unstable. Panic flashed in her eyes as the wind grew stronger, threatening to knock them off balance.

“Okay,” she said, her voice shaking. “Let’s go.”

They started to walk back, but the rain was falling harder now, making it difficult to see. The wind pushed against them, and the ground felt more treacherous with each step. Ethan held onto Angel's hand tightly, determined to keep her safe, but the fear in his chest was growing.

Suddenly, Angel slipped. Her foot caught on a loose rock, and she stumbled toward the edge of the cliff.

"Angel! " Blair shouted, his heart stopping as he reached out to grab her. His fingers brushed hers, but the rain made everything slippery. She teetered dangerously close to the edge.

For a terrifying moment, it felt like time slowed down. Blair’s mind raced as he lunged forward, grabbing onto her wrist just as she lost her balance. Angel gasped, her other hand clutching the wet grass as she dangled over the side of the cliff.

“I’ve got you!” Blair cried, his voice hoarse with fear. He pulled with all his strength, trying to haul her back up. The rain poured down around them, and the wind howled, making it harder to hold on.

Angel’s eyes were wide with fear as she struggled to get a foothold. “Blair!” she cried, her voice filled with panic.

“I’m not letting go,” he promised, his muscles straining. “Just hold on.”

But the ground beneath Blair began to give way. The edge of the cliff crumbled, and suddenly, he felt himself being pulled down with her. The rain, the wind, the fear it all happened so fast. There was no time to react, no time to think.

And then, in an instant, they were falling.

Blair’s heart pounded in his chest as they tumbled through the air, the world spinning around them. All he could think about was Angel, and how he needed to keep her safe. But the cliffside was unforgiving, and before he could do anything, everything went dark.

When Blair woke up, the world was quiet. His body ached, his head throbbed, and for a moment, he didn’t know where he was. Slowly, the memories came back to him the storm, the fall, Angel.


His eyes shot open, and he tried to sit up, but pain shot through his body. He looked around frantically, his heart racing.

“Angel!” he shouted, his voice hoarse and weak.

But there was no response.

Panic surged through him as he struggled to his feet, ignoring the pain that wracked his body. He looked around, the rain still falling lightly, but the storm had mostly passed. The cliffs loomed above him, but there was no sign of Angel.

“Angel!” he called again, his voice breaking.

He searched for what felt like hours, his heart sinking with each passing minute. And then, finally, he found her.

She was lying at the base of the cliff, her body still and unmoving. The sight of her took the breath from his lungs, and for a moment, he couldn’t move.

“No,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.

He ran to her side, dropping to his knees next to her. “Angel,” he said softly, his hands trembling as he reached for her. Her face was pale, her body limp. She didn’t respond.

Blair’s chest tightened, and tears filled his eyes as he shook her gently. “Angel, please,” he begged, his voice breaking. “Wake up. Please.”

But she didn’t.

In that moment, Blair’s world shattered. The girl he had spent the last year falling in love with, the one who had brought light and laughter into his life, was gone. And no matter how hard he cried, no matter how much he begged, she wasn’t coming back.

The storm had taken her, and with her, it had taken everything Blair had ever dreamed of.

To be Continued...

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