Chapter 11

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"The Brotherhood of Steel is a faction that has the main purpose of salvaging technology. But not all are kind to the people of the wasteland"

"You are pathetic, you can't survive in the wasteland." A headless voice mocks me in the dark. I don't know where I am or if i'm even still alive but I still can feel intense pain in my body.

"Your friends are probably dead because of you. Slaughtered by those robots you couldn't destroy because you insisted in this mission." The voice continues to mock me. I looked around but it was no use, all I could see was darkness.

"Stop, just stop already! You're just telling a lie!" I yelled at the dark abyss, at the voice that mocked me. They were not dead, I thought. They survived and escaped...

"Kid, You still with us?" A familiar voice shout out on the darkness. It was Jack! Then I felt myself ascending, looking up, I could see bright light. Where was I going, what is happening?

My eyes were blinded by the bright ceiling lights. Soon, my eyes adjusted to the lights and I could see I was not in the vault.

"Guys, I think he's waking up!"A feminine voice, a voice that belonged to Jess, spoke out. I tried to sit up, after some effort, I did. I looked at where Jess' voice came from, and I saw my friends, alive and well. There was one beside Jack who I don't seem to recall, that person was wearing a big, bulky metal armor.

"Kid, you're lucky to survive that attack."Jack stated, looking at me. That's when I noticed all the bandages covering my limbs and body. I looked at my Pip-boy, it was heavily damaged.

"Man, if this guy did not come to rescue us, we'd be all dead." Jack said as he tapped the metal armor of our savior. The metal man removed his metal helmet, revealing a man with a rough beard and black hair. By his looks, I guessed that he was a little bit older than Jack.

"Thanks...uhm...steel soldier?" I thanked and question the man. He looked at Jack with a questioning look then back at me.

"Jack, is that what you told the kid? That we are called steel soldiers?" The steel soldier asked Jack.

"Ryan, it was a close description. Besides,I forgot the name of your group. What was that, uhm..." Jack answered. Ryan the Steel Soldier shook his head, putting his hand over his face.

"Kid, we are the Brotherhood of Steel. I am Head Paladin Ryan Cross, the leader of the squad in this area."Ryan said to me, his armor shining in the sunlight.

"And it seems you met Paladin Jack, one of surviving members of Head Paladin Louise."Ryan looked at Jack, with Jack nodding. I remembered my broken Pip-Boy, and looked at it. The screen was cracked, dials missing.

"Sorry 'bout you're Pip-boy. Luckily though, we managed to transfer the data of it to a prototype of ours." The Paladin told me, showing me what looked like to be a modified Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV. I looked at it, admiring the new Hud and stuff.

"Now, it's time to put it on."


The removal process of my old Pip-Boy was long since it was difficult to remove it without the proper tools. But the Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV makes the process of putting it on much easier since it has a latch that can be used to open. The dial was now on the right side of the screen, a correction made since the Pip-boy 3000 had the dials on the left side of the screen. The new Pip-Boy also had different features and different changes compared to the old one.

"So, how is it?" Ryan asked me, looking at the new Pip-boy.

"It's...great! Thank." I thanked him, then a question popped up in my head.

"How did you get this?" I asked him.

"It was found on another expedition of ours. Another Vault with no survivors, or so we thought." Ryan answered.

"Say, maybe you can help us with one of our travels. Our main camp here is pretty far away and the way going there is infested with Feral Ghouls, raiders and others."He requested, showing me a map of the area and the route going there.

"How i'm I going to do that?" I asked him.

"We want you to try another prototype of ours. The T-60 power armor, but before we do that, you need to undergo a power armor training."


I looked at the T-60 power armor, it was much bulkier than the other armors. Ryan said the back part of the armor can be opened, allowing easy entrance to the armor.

"Hey, why can't you use the armor?" I asked Ryan, I mean, he was a Head Paladin.

"Let's just say we are more attached to our old suits. And that can be yours after you helped us. It's the least we can give you if your going to help us." Ryan replied, patting his own power armor.
I nodded then looked at the T-60, the big, hulking armor looks very intimidating. I opened up the T-60 and slipped inside it. The visor of the armor displayed the following features: health indicator, Geiger counter, armor component condition readout, and ammunition counter. The back of the suit closed and is sealed. I familiarize myself with the armor and walked around. The armor was somewhat heavy but because of it's components, it was much lighter than it looked. Ryan put on his helmet, his own armor is somewhat inferior than the T-60, which was somewhat the point. Ryan told me to follow him as he stepped outside and I followed. My friends were outside along with the rest of the Brotherhood of Steel, amazed at the big, bulky armor in front of their eyes.

"Ryan, who's that guy?" Jack asked him, pointing at me. Ryan laughed, then placed his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Jack, it's that kid of yours." Ryan answered him, looking at me. Jack just stared at me, his face filled with surprise.

"Oh my God, Kid, is that really you?" Jack asked me, tapping the T-60. I gave a nodded, then looked at the others, Jess and Jacob were also surprised to hear that info. I quickly got out of the T-60, it was somewhat nice to get out of a full armored suit.

"Hey Jack, wheres my bag and weapons?" I asked him, wondering where they may have disappeared to. Jack pointed to a two-headed cow called Brahmin. My bag and weapons are strapped to the side of it, along with other things. The Brahmin was also hooked up with a cart to carry the heavy load to the main camp.

"So kid, you ready for the trip of a lifetime?"

*Level up

*New Perk: Power Armor Training: You can now use a power armor with ease.

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